

6.Sometimes his lessons were very difficult,but he would say,“I have had hard lessons before,and learned them,too,and I will not give up now.”

7.Arthur found plenty to do in getting his lessons,in teaching his little sister,and in doing errands for his mother;but still he kept thinking,“How can I help mother earn some money?”

8.As,day after day,he watched his mother so constantly at work,he would try to think how he could help her more.

9.“I can learn a hard lesson,why can I not do some hard work?”said he;and the more he thought of it,the more he thought he could.

10.“I am twelve years old to-day.I know I can do something to help mother,”he said,one day,as he was walking along the street,“and I will,yes,I will!”and he stamped his foot on the pavement and stopped.

11.Just then he noticed a paper on a shopwindow.

“WANTED!”“Wanted what?I will go and see,”said he.

12.“A boy wanted!”He read it over again,to be sure he read it right.But there was no mistake.“A boy wanted!”And his heart beat so,he could almost hear it,as he read.

13.“If I could only get the place,I could help mother,I am sure I could;”and he ran home as fast as he could to ask if he might try to get it.

14.He was not long in getting consent.“Yes,you may try,my boy,and may God bless you,”said his mother;and she gave him such a look and kiss as mothers only can give.

15.Arthur saw and felt their meaning,and he said to himself,“I can do any thing for you,mother,and I will,too.”He was not long in brushing his clothes and blacking his shoes,and making himself very neat.

16.He was so fearful that some one else would get there first,that he could not wait to eat what his mother had set out for him,but hurried back to the store.

17.Yes,there it is-“A boy wanted!”and Arthur walked into the store.“I fear,”said the gentleman,“that you are too small.”“I am twelve years old,sir,”said Arthur,standing up straight,“and I could try.”

18.The gentleman smiled and said,“I should like to have you,my boy,if you were only a little stouter.I do not think you could carry large bundles like that,could you?”

19.“I could try,sir.I can learn a hard lesson,and mother says,if I try,and never give up,I can do almost any thing.”

20.“You are the right kind of a boy;I will try you.Come in the morning.”Arthur‘s feet could not go fast enough as he ran home to tell his mother of his success.

21.“And,mother,”said he,in a lower tone,“I am glad I learned that hard lesson,because now,when I feel like giving up,I think of it,and I say,No,I won’t give up yet;I will try again.

22.”O,mother,I mean to be a rich man some day,so I cantake care of you,you are such a dear mother.“23.”But,“said his mother,“do not forget that it is God who giveth the power to do.Ask Him to keep you and to help you overcome the difficulties that may come in your way.”






















