
第31章 一个联邦制的共和国(4)

20.At about that time there was a revolution in the remaining Spanish colonies,and they,following the example of the United States,declared their independence and set up republican governments of their own.Spain tried to conquer her colonies,but did not succeed any better than had Great Britain.One of the new Spanish American republics was Mexico,whose territory included a large part of what is now the southwestern portion of the United States.But Americans went across the line and settled on Mexican soil in large numbers,and finally they declared their independence of Mexico,forming the republic of Texas.The Mexicans were not able to conquer the Texans in war,and in 1845the congress of the United States admitted Texas to the Union.This unhappily led to a war between Mexico and the United States.The Mexicans were overcome,and at the end of the war they gave up to the United States a large amount of landall west of the Rocky Mountains between the present northern boundary of Mexico and the state of Oregon.The United States paid Mexico eighteen and a half million dollars for the land.Several states have come into the Union fromthis Mexican land.California was the first to be admitted.It was not generally known when peace was made with Mexico that there was gold in California.But the discovery of the precious metal brought great numbers of people there from all parts of the world,so that in a very few years California became a state.Nevada,Utah,and parts of Colorado and Wyoming were also in the Mexican land.The country including the states of Oregon,Washington,and Idaho was discovered by Americans when it was a desolate wilderness,and so the United States came to own it.

21.The state of Maine was a part of Massachusetts until 1820.But it was more convenient for the people of that district to be in a separate state,and in 1820congress accordingly admitted Maine to the Union.

22.So we see that since the republic was formed by the original thirteen states the congress has admitted thirtytwo more states to the Union.Our flag,therefore,now has fortyfive stars.

23.But there are still large areas of land belonging to the United States which are not included within any state of the Union.When such land is settled by a considerable number of people,but not by enough for a state,congress makes a law providing for a local government.There is usually a governor appointed by the president of the United States,a legislature elected by the people,and courts whose judges are appointed by the president.A district so governed is called a territory.Oklahoma,Arizona,and New Mexico are territories provided with a government of this sort.The Indian Territory belongs to certain Indian tribes,each of which has a government of its own.Alaska was bought from Russia in 1867.There are so few people living there that it has not yet a full territorial government.

24.The territories which have a government send each of them one delegate to the lower house of congress.But the delegates cannot vote.The territories have no senators,and have no electors for president of the United States.It is expected that in time each territory will have more people,and will then become a state of the Union.

25.The Migration to Kentucky.On page 49is found a sketch of the rush of people to California at about the middle of this century.Themigration to Kentucky,which is pictured in what follows,occurred in the latter part of the eighteenth century.

26.John James Audubon was a famous American ornithologist,who spent many years traveling and studying birds.His great work,“The Birds of America,”was embellished by hundreds of beautiful colored plates.His travels took him into the forests of the far west,and he described with vivid clearness what he saw.He died in 1851,at the age of seventyone years.

Migration to Kentucky


THE Virginians thronged toward the Ohio.An ax,a couple of horses,and a heavy rifle,with store of ammunition,were all that were considered necessary for the equipment of the man,who,with his family,removed to the new state ;assured that,in that land of exuberant fertility,he could not fail to provide amply for all his wants.