
第104章 ARCHITECTURE建筑(27)

The early Mohammedans did not believe in simply asking other people to become Mohammedans.They brought people into their religion by saying to them,“Be a Mohammedan or we’ll kill you.”So the Mohammedan religion spread quickly from Arabia where it started,for the Arabs were great conquerors.Eastward it spread,farther and farther,through Persia and across India.Bagdad became the capital city of these eastern Mohammedans.Westward the Arabs pushed across Egypt,across northern Africa till they came to the Strait of Gibraltar.This did not stop them.They built boats and sailed across to Spain.Through Spain they spread until they got as far as France.All Europe would probably have become Mohammedan if the French had not stopped the Arabs in a battle fought at the town of Tours,in France.


But much of Spain did become Mohammedan.The Arabs in Spain were called Moors.The Moors set up a capital at Cordova for all the Western Mohammedans,just as Bagdad was the Eastern capital just as the Roman Empire had once had an Eastern and Western capital—Rome and Constantinople.For over seven hundred years the Moors ruled in Spain until they were finally driven out about the time of Columbus.

In Cordova the Moors built a huge mosque which is still standing there.You remember how the Mohammedans turned the Christian church of St.Sophia in Constantinople into a mosque.Well,in Cordova just the opposite happened.For when the Moors were finally driven out of Spain the Christians turned the Mohammedan mosque into a church.And a church it still is.

But by far the most famous Mohammedan building in Spain is the Alhambra.The Alhambra was built by the Moorish kings of Granada in Spain as a kind of fortress palace.The Alhambra is on a tall hill of rock with steep cliffs that helped keep back enemies.Inside the different buildings were guard rooms and halls,gardens and courts,all decorated with thousands of arabesques.The Court of Lions is one part of the Alhambra that you may have heard of.It looks something like a cloister,for round its four sides are arcades.In the middle is a big marble basin,held on the backs of twelve lions,which is used as a fountain.

And now I’m sure you are going to ask an embarrassing question.It’s embarrassing because I can’t answer it.

“How could the Moors have marble lions if they were not supposed to carve statues of living things?”

No.77-2THE COURT OF LIONS IN THE ALHAMBRA(阿尔汉布拉宫的狮子庭院)I don’t know.Maybe the lions were an exception that proved the rule.Maybe the lions were carved by Christians and captured and brought to the Alhambra by the Moors.Maybe ...But who knows?On page 367is a picture of them.Do you see any arabesques?

Another noted building in Spain left by the Moors is called the Giralda Tower.Giralda meant weather-vane.The weather-vane is naturally on the very top of the tower.It is a figure of Faith that swings with the wind.The top three stories of the tower are Christian Renaissance architecture,because when the Christians finally drove the Moors out of Spain they used the Mohammedan buildings for their own needs and often added to them.

Now I’m going to take you from Spain in the West to India in the East.In Agra,India,lived a Mohammedan ruler who erected a building in honor of his wife.You will be surprised to hear what kind of building it was.It was a tomb!And yet his wife was still alive when he built her tomb.

No.77-3THE GAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵)

That seems strange to us,but it was the custom there.It was a sensible custom,at that,for the ruler and his wife used the tomb as a kind of pleasure house where visitors were received and parties were held.Then when the rulers died they were buried there.

This tomb is called the Taj Mahal.As it was a tomb,it was crowned with a dome.Many travelers who have seen it have called it the most beautiful building in the world.They have even placed it ahead of the Parthenon.The Taj Mahal is built all of marble and shines in the sun like a beautiful white jewel.Around the building are gardens,trees,lawns,and fountains and right in front of it is a long rectangular pool of water that reflects the trees and the Taj Mahal too.

And with the Taj Mahal we will end our story of Mohammedan buildings,saying as Ali Baba might say to close the chapter,“Shut sesame.”







当你走近一座伊斯兰教建筑物时,你会注意到,即便他们的宗教不允许雕刻活物的像,但建筑师们必须同时也是出色的石匠或大理石雕工。他们雕刻的图案,有直线和曲线的,有方形和圆形的,有星星状和菱状的,还有Z 字形和十字形的。有些雕刻非常精美,形成网状,看起来就像石刻花边。





