
第114章 ARCHITECTURE建筑(37)















JUST suppose you had to go to a wild,unexplored land and live there the rest of your life.What kind of house would you build?Probably you would build a log cabin if you had an ax and could find plenty of trees.But if you had never heard of a log cabin,the chances are you would build some other kind of shelter that you had heard of—a cave perhaps.

The first English settlers who landed in America had never seen a log cabin.What they thought of first were the little huts of the charcoal burners that they had seen in the woods in England.These huts were made of branches and twigs woven together,somewhat as a wicker chair is woven.The early settlers built their shelters like the charcoal huts and put steep-pointed thatched roofs on them.Do you know what a thatched roof is?It’s a roof made of straw.When these huts were finished,they must have looked very much like the wigwams of the Indians.

But what about log cabins?Surely the early settlers used them?Yes,they did use them as soon as the Swedes had settled in Delaware.The Swedes had lived in log cabins in Sweden and when they came to America where logs were easy to get,they built log cabins there also.Then the use of log cabins quickly spread.Log cabins were used by the pioneers and settlers as they pushed west away from the seacoast,for trees were plentiful.

At least one log cabin has become famous.It is the one Abraham Lincoln was born in.Now the whole cabin is kept in a big marble building built especially to hold it and protect it at Hodgenville,Kentucky,Some of the early buildings that the settlers from England built were Gothic in style.At Jamestown in Virginia the settlers built a simple little brick Gothic church which has since fallen to pieces.But another little early church called St.Luke’s is still standing.St.Luke’s has the pointed windows and steep roof of the Gothic,and this seems strange because the Renaissance had reached England some years before America was settled by Englishmen and the Gothic style had gone out of style in England.

In New England as well as in Virginia some of the early houses were Gothic.They were built of wood and had windows opening at the side on hinges (the way a door opens),with many small panes of glass in each window—casement windows they are called.Generally the second story of these houses stuck out a foot or so beyond the first story so that there was an overhang in front.Several of these old Gothic houses are still standing.

After a while books about architecture began to find their way into the Americancolonies.These books came from England where Renaissance architecture was in full swing.The books had plans and diagrams or drawings in them which the American carpenters found very handy guides for making houses.King George was reigning in England,first King George I,then George II,then George III,and so the English Renaissance architecture was called Georgian architecture.And after the first few Gothic buildings our early American architecture was Georgian too.We call it now Georgian Colonial or sometimes just Colonial.

Most of the Georgian Colonial houses were made of wood in the North and of brick in the South,but in Pennsylvania stone was used.The houses weren’t built by regular architects,but by the master carpenters who used the books sent from England to guide them.The houses were so suited to this country that architects to-day still often use this Georgian Colonial style for houses.

Besides Georgian Colonial there was Dutch Colonial much liked by the Dutch settlers in New York.The Dutch Colonial houses generally had a roof that sloped down beyond the front of the house to cover the porch.The Dutch Colonial style is also being used again in modern houses in America.

The Colonial houses were generally made plain and simple.They were never decorated much,like Baroque buildings,and that is one reason they seem so charming to us.Most of the decoration was carved in wood on the doorways,the mantel-pieces,the stairways,and the ceilings.Sometimes there were wooden pilasters or half columns or columns in the Roman style at each side of the door.Often there was a transom window over the front door.This would be decorated with carved wooden tracery sometimes in the shape of a fan,and called a fan-light.