
第6章 PAINTING绘画(6)

“Now,”said Zeuxis to Parrhasius,“draw back the curtain and show us your picture.”To which Parrhasius replied:“The curtain is my picture.Even you,a human being,were fooled into thinking it was real.So I win.You fooled the birds,but I fooled you.And besides,the boy you painted holding the grapes wasn’t so lifelike or he would have scared the birds away.”

But the best and worst Greek painting was on the floor of a famous hall.It was painted with fruit skins,peelings,rinds,and pieces of food as if they had fallen from the table and hadn’t been swept up.It was called the “Unswept Hall”and the Greeks thought it wonderful.But how could they have thought it beautiful or worthy of an artist,no matter how naturally and realistically it was painted?

The greatest of all the Greek painters was named Apelles.He was a great friend of that precocious young ruler and general,Alexander the Great,and painted Alexander’s portrait.And yet we know him more by two of his sayings that have become famous than by his pictures.

A shoemaker once criticized the way Apelles had painted a sandal in one of his pictures.Apelles was glad to have expert advice from one who knew sandals and he made the correction.The next day the shoemaker criticized another part of the same picture.But this time Apelles did not like the criticism,for he felt the shoemaker didn’t know what he was talking about,so he exclaimed,“Let the shoemaker stick to his last,”which meant,let him stick to his own business,to things he knows about.A last is the form on which shoes are made.Let him,therefore,criticize only the things he knows about.

Apelles was a very hard worker and made it a rule never to let a day go by without doing some worth-while work.So he used to say,“No day without a line.”Though it is more than two thousand years since he lived,we still quote these sayings.They have become proverbs.They have lasted,but none of his paintings have,though every one who lived at his time honored him and called him the greatest painter of Greece.

We are told another story to show how skilled Apelles was in handling a brush.It is said that one day he visited a friend of his,also an artist.The friend was not at home,so Apelles picked up a brush and,dipping it in paint,drew an extremely fine,thin line across a board on the artist’s easel,to see if his friend would know who’d been there.

His friend returned and when he saw the painted stroke on his easel,he exclaimed:

“Apelles has been here.No one else in the world could make such a fine and beautifulbrush stroke as this—except myself.”

Then he painted another line,down the length of the fine one Apelles had made,splitting it in two.Later Apelles returned.When he saw a still finer stroke down the middle of his own line,he picked up the brush once more and with another stroke did what seemed impossible.Again he divided the fine line lengthwise.“Splitting hairs,”we should call it.

I can show you no pictures with this chapter,because there are no pictures to show.What a pity there are none of these pictures left,so that we might judge for ourselves and see if they really were so wonderful!



















BUT one kind of Greek painting has lasted,examples of which are in many museums.These are the paintings that were made on vases.