
第76章 SCULPTURE雕塑(31)

The first of my saved-till-last statues is a monument in memory of Eugene Field.Eugene Field was the man who wrote those jolly poems “Wynken,Blynken,and Nod,”and “The Sugar Plum Tree.”The sculptor might have made a portrait bust of Eugene Field,but instead he made something much more interesting.It is a statue of a little boy and girl who have fallen sound asleep because a fairy has waved poppy blossoms over them.Poppy blossoms,you know,are supposed to make you sleepy.You can see the poppy blossoms in the fairy’s hand.

No.59-2BRONCO BUSTER(《驯马师》)PROCTOR(普鲁克特制)The fairy,and the little boy and girl are in full round.Then there are scenes carved in low relief.One scene shows Wynken,Blynken,and Nod sailing along in the wooden shoe,with fish jumping all around theln.You remember in the song they had nets of silver and gold.You can see the nets hanging from the stern of the shoe.Another scene shows the Sugar Plum Tree with a pussy cat up in the branches and a little dog and some children looking up at the cat.

The sculptor who made the Eugene Field Memorial (it is really a fountain in Chicago)is Edward McCartan of New York.He also made a very beautiful marble statue of theMoon Goddess Diana out hunting with her greyhound.

I think you’ll like the next sculptor because you probably like cowboys and Indians and animals.Alexander Phimister Proctor has made statues of all of these.He helped Saint-Gaudens model the horse for the Sherman statue.Proctor’s best-known works are the famous Princeton Tigers.There are two big bronze tigers,one on each side of the entrance to Nassau Hall,a building at Princeton University.

Now look at the Bronco Buster by the same sculptor.It stands in Denver.The bronco,or cowboy horse,is trying to throw its rider.The bronco has bucked high in the air and is coming down stiff-legged on its two front feet.What a jolt the cowboy must be getting!Notice how the whole weight of this equestrian statue is carried by the two front legs of the horse.

James Earle Fraser is the sculptor whom we have saved to the very last.We can call him an all-round sculptor because he is good at large statues in the round as well as reliefs and portraits,medals and coins.He can do people and animals.He has modeled for equestrian statues horses that are more than life-size and he made the tiny buffalo on the United States five-cent coin—the buffalo nickel.When you are studying United States history,see if you can get hold of a picture of James Earle Fraser’s statue of Alexander Hamilton.It is a wonderful statue,full of dignity and grace.

James Earle Fraser designed the Victory Medal given to each American who served in the army or navy during World War I.Perhaps someone in your family bas one of these medals.The medal has on the front side a has relief figure of Victory.As this is an American medal,the sculptor put a crown with spikes on Victory’s head like the crown on the Statue of Liberty.On the back are the names of the countries who were on our side in the war,and a United States shield.

Fraser made a wonderful portrait bust of President Theodore Roosevelt,who liked it so much he said he would never pose for another bust.