
第107章 入侵瑞士


1.THE vengeance which the French took upon the Swiss,for their determined opposition to the invasion of their country,was decisive and terrible.The history of Europe can afford no parallel to such cruelty.In dark ages,and the most barbarous nations of the east,we must turn for similar scenes of horror,and,perhaps,must turn in vain.The soldiers,dispersed over the country,carried fire,and sword,and robbery into the most tranquil and hidden valleys of Switzerland From the depth of sweet retreats echoed the shrieks of murdered men,stabbed in their humble dwellings,under the shadow of the high mountains,in the midst of those scenes of nature which make solemn and pure the secret thoughts of man,and appall him with the majesty of God.

2.The flying peasants saw,in the midst of the night,their cottages,their implements of husbandry,and the hopes of the future year,expiring in one cruel conflagration.The men were shot upon the slightest provocation:innumerable women,after being exposed to the most atrocious indignities,were murdered,and their bodies thrown into the woods.In some instances this conduct was resented;and for symptoms of such an honorable spirit,the beautiful town of Altdorf was burnt to the ground,and not a single house left to show where it had stood.

3.The town of Staritz,a town peculiarly dear to the Swiss,as it gave birth to one of the founders of their liberty,was reduced to a heap of cinders.In this town,in the fourteenth century,a Swissgeneral surprised and took prisoner the Austrian commander who had murdered his father;yet he forgave and released him,upon the simple condition that he would not again serve against the Swiss Cantons.When the French got possession of this place,they burnt it to ashes,not in a barbarous age,but now,yesterday,in an age we call philosophical;they burnt it,because the inhabitants had endeavored to preserve their liberty.

4.The Swiss was a simple peasant;the French,a mighty people,combined for the regeneration of Europe.O,Europe,what dost thou owe to this mighty people?Dead bodies,ruined heaps,broken hearts,waste places,childless mothers,widows,orphans,tears,endless confusion,and unutterable woe.For this mighty nation,we have suffered seven years of unexampled wretchedness,a long period of discord,jealousy,privation,and horror,which every reflecting man would almost wish blotted out of his existence.By this mighty people,the Swiss have lost their country;that country which they loved so well,that if they heard but the simple song of their childhood,tears fell down every manly face,and the most intrepid soldiers sobbed with grief.

5.What then?Is all this done with impunity?Are the thunders of God dumb?Are there no lightnings in his right hand?Pause a little,before you decide on the ways of Providence;tarry and see what will come to pass.There is a solemn and awful courage in the human heart,placed there by God himself to guard man against the tyranny of his fellows,and while this lives,the world is safe.There slumbers even now,perchance,upon the mountains of Switzerland,some youthful peasant,unconscious of the soul he bears,that shall lead down these bold people from their rocks to such deeds of courage as they have heard with their ears,and their fathers have declared unto them;to such as were done in their days,and in the old times before them,by those magnanimous rustics who first taught foolish ambition to respect the wisdom and the spirit of simple men,righteously and honestly striving for every human blessing.

6.Let me go on a little further in this dreadful enumeration.More than thirty villages were sacked in the canton of Berne alone;not only was all the produce of the present year destroyed,but all the cattle unfit for human food were slaughtered,and the agricultural implements burnt;and thus the certainty of famine was entailed upon them for the ensuing year.At the end of all this military execution,civil exactions,still more cruel and oppressive,were begun;and,under the forms of government and law,the most unprincipled men gave loose to their avarice and rapacity,till Switzerland was sunk at last under the complication of her misfortunes,reduced to the lowest ebb of misery and despair.








