
第112章 宝剑上的重压

THOMAS CARLYLE a native of Scotland,is a distinguished author of the present day.His principal works are:Life of Schiller ;Sartor Resartus ;The French Revolution ;Life of Cromwell;Hero Worship;etc.

1..W HEN T amer lan e had finished building his pyramid of seventy thousand human skulls,and was seen standing at the gate of Damascus,glittering in his steel,with his battle-ax on his shoulder,Thomas Carlyletill his fierce hosts filed out to new victories and carnage,the pale looker-on night have fancied that Nature was in her death-throes;for havoc and despair had taken possession of the earth,and the sun of manhood seemed setting in a sea of blood.

2.Yet it might be on that very gala-day of Tamerlane①,that a littleboy was playing nine-pins in the streets of Mentz,whose history was more important than that of twenty Tamerlanes.The Khan,with his shaggy demons of the wilderness,“passed away like a whirlwind,”to be forgotten forever;and that German artisan has wrought a benefit which is yet immeasurably expanding itself,and will continue to expand itself,through all countries and all times.

3.What are the conquests and the expeditions of the whole corporation of captains,from Walter the Penniless to Napoleon Bonaparte,compared with those movable types of Faust①?Truly it is a mortifying thing for your conqueror to reflect how perishable is the metal with which he hammers with such violence;how the kind earth will soon shroud up his bloody footprints;and all that he achieved and skillfully piled together will be but like his own canvas city of a camp,this evening,loud with life,to-morrow,all struck and vanished,“a few pits and heaps o straw.”

4.For here,as always,it continues true,that the deepest force is the stillest;that,as in the fable,the mild shining of the sun shall silently accomplish what the fierce blustering of the tempest in vain essayed.Above all,it is ever to be kept in mind,that not by material but by moral power are men and their actions to be governed.How noiseless is thought!No rolling of drums,no tramp of squadrons,no tumult of innumerable baggage-wagons,attend its movements.

5.In what obscure and sequestered places may the head be meditating,which is one day to be crowned with more than imperial authority!for kings and emperors will be among its ministering servants;it will rule not over but in all heads;and with these solitary combinations of ideas,and with magic formulas,bend the world to its will.The time may come when Napoleon himself will be better known for his laws than his battles,and the victory of Waterloo prove less momentous than the opening of the first Mechanics‘Institute.










