
第12章 费迪南德与伊莎贝拉


Ferdinand and isabella were the King and Queen of Spain who supplied Columbus with ships and men to prosecute his voyage of discovery.

WASHINGTON IRVING,from whose works this extract is taken,is an American author of distinction.He is one of the best and most popular of modern authors in America or England.

1.IT has been well observed of Ferdinand and Isabella,that they lived together,not like man and wife,whose estates are in common,under the orders of the husband,but like two monarchs,strictly allied.They had separate claims to sovereignty,in virtue of their separate kingdoms,and held separate councils.Yet they were so happily united by common views,common interests,and a great deference for each other,that this double administration never prevented a unity of purpose and action.All acts of sovereignty were executed in both their names;all public writings subscribed with both their signatures;their likenesses were stamped together on the public coin;and the royal seal displayed the united arms of Castile and Arragon.

2.Ferdinand possessed a clear and comprehensive genius,and great penetration.He was equable in temper,indefatigable in business,a great observer of men,and is extolled by Spanish writers as unparalleled in the science of the cabinet.It has been maintained by writers of other nations,however,and apparently with reason,that he was bigoted in religion,and craving rather than magnanimous inFerdinand and Isabellehis ambition;that he made war less like a paladinthan a prince,less for glory than for mere dominion;and that his policy was cold,selfish,and artful.He was called the wise and prudent,in Spain;in Italy,the pious;in France and England,the ambitious and perfidious.

3.Contemporary writers have been enthusiastic in their deionsof Isabella;but time has sanctioned their culogies.She was of the middle size,and well formed;with a fair complexion,auburn hair,and clear blue eyes.There was a mingled gravity and sweetness in her countenance,and a singular modesty in her mien,gracing,as it did,great firmness of purpose and earnestness of spirit.Though strongly attached to her husband,and studious of his fame,yet she always maintained her distinct rights as an allied prince.She exceeded him in beauty,personal dignity,acuteness of genius,and grandeur of soul.Combining the active,the resolute qualities of man,with the softer charities of woman,she mingled in the warlike councils of her husband,and,being inspired with a truer idea of glory,infused a more lofty and generous temper into his subtle and calculating policy.

4.It is in the civil history of their reign,however,that the character of Isabella shines most illustrious.Her fostering and maternal care was continually directed to reform the laws,and heal the ills engendered by a long course of civil wars.She assembled round her the ablest men in literature and science,and directed herself by their councils in encouraging literature and the arts.She promoted the distribution of honors and rewards for the promulgation of knowledge,fostered the recently-invented art of printing,and,through her patronage,Salamanca rose to that eminence which it assumed among the learned institutions of the age.Such was the noble woman,who was destined to acquire immortal renown by her spirited patronage of the discovery of the New World.









