
第130章 波利卡普殉难


1.WHEN he had finished his prayers,having made mention of all whom he had ever known,small and great,noble and vulgar,and of the whole Church throughout the world,the hour of departing being come,they set him on an ass and led him to the city.Herod,and his father Nicetes,met him,who,taking him up into their chariot,began to advise him,asking,“What harm is it to say,Lord C?sar!and to sacrifice and be safe?”At first he was silent,but being pressed,he said,“I will not follow your advice.”When they could not persuade him,they treated him abusively,and thrust him out of the chariot,so that in falling he bruised his thigh.But he,still unmoved as if he had suffered nothing,went on cheerfully,under the conduct of his guards,to the Stadium.There the tumult being so great,that few could hear any thing,a voice from heaven said to Polycarp,as he entered on the Stadium,“Be strong,Polycarp,and behave yourself like a man.”None saw the speaker,but many heard the voice.

2.When he was brought to the tribunal,there was a great tumult,as soon as it was generally understood that Polycarp was apprehended.The proconsul asked him if he was Polycarp;to which he assented.The former then began to exhort him:“Have pity on thy own great age,and the like.Swear by the fortune of C?sar,repent,say,Take away the atheists.”Polycarp,with a grave aspect,beholding all the multitude,waving his hand to them,and looking up to heaven,said,“Take away the atheists.”The proconsul urging him,and saying,“Swear,and I will release thee,reproach Christ,”Polycarp said,“Eighty-and-six yearshave I served him,and he hath never wronged me,and how can Iblaspheme my King who hath saved me?”




