
第15章 哥伦布返航


Don Gomez.What!What is this you tell me?Columbus returned?A new world discovered?Impossible!

Secretary .It is even so,sir.A courier arrived at the palace but an hour since with the intelligence.Columbus was driven by stress of weather to anchor in the Tagus.All Portugal is in a ferment of enthusiasm,and all Spain will be equally excited soon.The sensation is prodigious.

Don G.O!it is a trick!It must be a trick!

Sec .But he has brought home the proofs of his visit:gold and precious stones,strange plants and animals;and,above all,specimens of a new race of men,copper-colored,with straight hair.

Don G.Still I say,a trick!He has been coasting along the African shore,and there collected a few curiosities,which he is passing off for proofs of his pretended discovery.

Sec.It is a little singular that all his men should be leagued withhim in keeping up so unprofitable a falsehood.

Don G.But’t is against reason,against common sense,that such a discovery should be made.

Sec.King John of Portugal has received him with royal magnificence,has listened to his accounts,and is persuaded that they are true.

Don G.We shall see,we shall see.Look you,sir,a plain matter-of-fact man,such as I,is not to be taken in by any such preposterousThe return of Christopher Columbus;his audience before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabellaof sympathy in her nature.

story.This vaunted discovery will turn out no discovery at all.

Sec.The king and queen have given orders for preparations on the most magnificent scale for the reception of Columbus.

Don G.What delusion!Her m a j e s t y i s s o c r e d u l o u s !A practical,common-sense man,like myself,can find no pointsSec.The Indians on board the returned vessels are said to be unlike any known race of men.

Don G.Very unreliable all that!I take the common sense view of the thing.I am a matter-of-fact man;and do you remember what I say,it will all turn out a trick!The crews may have been deceived.Columbus may have steered a southerly course,instead of a westerly.Any thing is probable,rather than that a coast to the westward of us has been discovered.

Sec.I saw the courier,who told me he had conversed with all the sailors,and they laughed at the suspicion that there could be any mistake about the discovery,or that any other than a westerly course had been steered.

Don G.Still I say a trick!An unknown coast reached by steering west?Impossible!The earth a globe,and men standing with their heads down in space?Folly!An ignorant sailor from Genoa in the right,and all our learned doctors and philosophers in the wrong?Nonsense!I‘m a matter-of-fact man,sir.I will believe what I can see,and handle,and understand.But as for believing in the antipodes,or that the earth is round,or that Columbus has discovered land to the west-Ring the bell,sir;call my carriage;I will go to the palace and undeceive the king.















