
第26章 之后做什么


1.A STORY is told of a good man who was living at a university,when a young man,whom he had known as a boy,ran up to him with a face full of delight,and told him that what he had long been wishing above all things in the world was at length fulfilled;his parents having just given him leave to study law;and thereupon he had come to the law school at his university on account of his great fame,and meant to spare no labor or pains in getting through his studies as quickly and as well as possible.In this way he ran on a long time;and when at last he came to a stop,the holy man,who had been listening to him with great patience and kindness,said:“Well,and when you have got through your course of studies,what do you mean to do then?”

2.“Then I shall take my doctor‘s degree,”answered the young man.“And what then?”asked he.“And then,”continued the youth,“I shall have a number of difficult and knotty causes to manage,shall catch people’s notice by my eloquence,my zeal,my acuteness,and gain a great reputation.”“And what then?”repeated the holy man.“And then,”replied the youth,“there can‘t be a question,I shall be promoted to some high office or other,besides I shall make money and grow rich.”“And what then,”repeated the good man.“And then,”pursued the young lawyer,“then I shall live comfortably and honorably in wealth and dignity,and shall be able to look forward quietly to a happy old age.”“And what then?”“And then,”said the youth,“then I shall die.”

3.Here the holy man again asked,“And what then?”Whereupon the young man made no answer,but cast down his head and wentaway.The last,And what then?had pierced like a flash of lightning into his soul,and he could not get clear of it.Soon after he forsook the study of law,and gave himself up to the ministry of Christ,and spent the remainder of his days in godly words and works.

4.The question which was put to the young lawyer,is one which we should put frequently to ourselves.When we have done all that we are doing,all that we aim at doing,all that we dream of doing,even supposing that all our dreams are accomplished,that every wish of our heart is fulfilled,still we may ask,what will we do,what will be then?Whenever we cast our thoughts forward,never let them stop short on this side of the grave;let them not stop short at the grave itself;but when we have followed ourselves thither,and have seen ourselves laid therein,still ask ourselves the searching question,And what then?




