
第29章 猪倌儿(2)

6.In his left hand he held a staff to help himself onward,while round his right shoulder hung one of the most terrific whips that could possibly be constructed.At the end of a short handle turning upon a swivel there was a lash about nine feet long,formed like the vertebr?of a snake,each joint being an iron ring,which,decreasing in size,was closely connected with its neighbor by a band of hard,greasy leather.The pliability,the weight,and the force of this iron whip,rendered it an argument which the obstinacy even of the pig was unable to resist;yet,as the old man proceeded down the town,he endeavored to speak kindly to the herd,and as the bulk of them preceded him,jostling each other,grumbling and grunting on their way,he occasionally exclaimed in a low,hollow,worn-out tone of encouragement,“Nina!Anina!”(drawling of course very long on the last syllable.)

7.If any little savory morsel caused a contention or stoppage on the march,the old fellow slowly unwound his dreadful whip,and by merely whirling it round his head,like reading the riot act,he generally succeeded in dispersing the crowd;but if they neglected this solemn warning,if their stomachs proved stronger than their judgments,and if the group of greedy pigs still continued to stagnate,“Arriff!”the old fellow exclaimed,and rushing forward,the lash whirling round his head,he inflicted,with strength which no one could have fancied he possessed,a smack that seemed absolutely to electrify the leader.As lightning shoots across the heavens,I observed the culprit fly forward;and for many yards,continuing to sidle toward the left,it was quite evident that the thorn was still smarting in his side;and no wonder,poor fellow!for the blow he received would almost have cut a piece out of a door.

8.As soon as the herd got out of the town they began gradually to ascend the rocky,barren mountain which appeared towering above them;and then the labors of the Schwein-general and his staff became greater than ever;for as the animals from their solid column began to extend or deploy themselves into line,it was necessary constantly to ascend or descend the slippery hill,in order to outflank them.“Arriff!”vociferated the old man,striding after one of his rebellious subjects.“Arriff!”in a shrill tone of voice,was reechoed by the lad,as he ran after another.However,in due time the drove reached the ground which was devoted to their day‘s exercise,the whole mountain being thus taken in regular succession.

9.The Schwein-general now halted,and the pigs being no longer called upon to advance,but being left entirely to their own notions,I became exceedingly anxious attentively to observe them.

10.No wonder,poor reflecting creatures!that they had come unwillingly to such a spot,for there appeared literally to be nothing for them to eat but hot stones and dust;however,making the best of the bargain,they all very vigorously set themselves to work.Looking up the hill,they dexterously began to lift up with their snouts the largest of the loose stones,and then grubbing their noses into the cool ground,I watched their proceedings for a very long time.Their tough,wet snouts seemed to be sensible of the quality of every thing they touched;and thus out of the apparently barren ground they managed to get fibers of roots,to say nothing of worms,beetles,or any other traveling insects they met with.As they slowly advanced working up the hill,their ears most philosophically shading their eyes from the hot sun,I could not help feeling how little we appreciate the delicacy of several of their senses,and the extreme acuteness of their instinct.