
第6章 阿尔卑纳赫山上的滑梯(2)

4.Mr.Rupp was himself obliged,more than once,to be suspended by cords,in order to descend precipices many hundred feet high;and in the first months of the undertaking,he was attacked with a violent fever,which deprived him of the power of superintending his workmen.Nothing,however,could diminish his invincible perseverance.He was carried every day to the mountain in a barrow,to direct the labors of the workmen,which was absolutely necessary,as he had scarcely two good carpenters among them all;the rest having been hired by accident,without any knowledge which such an undertaking required.Mr.Rupp had also to contend against the prejudices of the peasantry.He was supposed to have communion with the devil.All these difficulties,however,were surmounted,and he had at last the satisfaction of observing the trees descend from the mountain with the rapidity of lightning.The larger pines,which were about a hundred feet long,and ten inches thick at their smaller extremity,ran through the space of three leagues,or nearly nine miles,in two minutes and a half,and during their descent they appeared to be only a few feet in length.

5.The arrangements for this part of the operation were extremely simple.From the lower end of the slide to the upper end,where the trees were introduced,workmen were posted at regular distances,and as soon as every thing was ready,the workman at the lower end of the slide cried out to the one above him,“Let go.”The cry was repeated from one to another,and reached the top in three minutes.The workman at the top of the slide then cried out to the one below him,“It comes,”and the tree was launched down the slide,preceded by the cry,which was repeated from post to post.As soon as the tree had reached the bottom,and plunged into the lake,the cry was repeated as before,and a new tree launched in a similar manner.By these means a tree descended every five or six minutes,provided no accident happened to the slide,which sometimes took place,but which was instantly repaired when it did.

6.In order to show the enormous force which the trees acquired from the great velocity of their descent,Mr.Rupp made arrangements for causing some of the trees to spring from the slide.They penetrated by their thickest extremities no less than from eighteen to twenty-four feet in the earth,and one of the trees having by accident struck against the other,it instantly cleft it through its whole length,as if it had been struck by lightning.After the trees had descended the slide,they were collected into rafts upon the lake,and conducted to Lucerne.From thence they descended the river Reuss,then the Aar,to near Brugg,afterward to Waldshut by the Rhine,then to Basle,and even to the sea,when it was necessary.








