
第83章 沙洲中的瞪羚(一)(2)

7.All the lanterns had been extinguished.The land could be faintly discerned,rising like a heavy bank of black fog above the margin of the waters,and was only distinguishable from the heavens,by its deeper obscurity.For several minutes the stillness of death pervaded the crowded decks.It was evident to every one that their ship was dashing at a prodigious rate through the waves;and she was approaching,with such velocity,the quarter of the bay,where the shoals and dangers were known to be situated,that nothing but the habits of the most exact discipline could suppress the uneasiness of the officers and men.At length,the voice of Captain Munson was heard calling to the pilot,“Shall I send a hand into the chains,Mr.Gray,and try our water?”“Tack your ship,sir,tack your ship,I would see how she works,before we reach the point where she must behave well.”

8.Griffith gazed after him in wonder,while the pilot slowly paced the quarter-deck,and then,rousing from his trance,gave forth the cheering order that called each man to his station.The confident assurances which the young gentleman had given to the pilot respecting the qualities of his vessel,and his own ability to manage her,were fully realized by the result.The helm was no sooner put down,than the huge ship bore up gallantly against the wind,and,dashing directly through the waves,threw the foam high into the air as she looked boldly into the very eye of the wind,and then,yielding gracefully to its power,she fell aft on the other tack,with her head pointed from those dangerous shoals that she had so recently approached with such terrifying velocity.The heavy yards sprung round as if they had been vanes to indicate the currents of the air,and,in a few moments,the frigate again moved with stately progress through the water,leaving the rocks and shoals behind her on one side of the bay,but advancing toward those that offered equal danger on the other.

9.During this time,the sea was becoming more agitated,and the violence of the wind was gradually increasing.An endless succession of white surges rose above the heavy billows,and the very air was glittering with the light that was disengaged from the ocean.The ship yielded each moment more and more before the storm and,in less than half an hour,she was driven along with tremendous fury by the full power of a gale of wind.Still the hardy and experienced mariners who directed her movements,held her to the course that was necessary to their preservation,and still Griffith gave forth,when directed by their unknown pilot,those orders that turned her in the narrow channel where safety was alone to be found.












