
第112章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(20)

5.They heard rumours that the Spaniards,who claimed the whole Isthmus of Darien,were preparing to attack them;and they also heard a very cruel piece of news,to the effect that the English Government had sent out orders to Jamaica,Barbadoes,and New York,desiring the English settlers in these places to give the Scotch colony of Darien no assistance,in arms,ammunition,or any other thing.

6.They looked eagerly every daybreak over the sea for the vessels which they expected from home with food and succour.None came.At last a sail appeared;but when it touched the shore it was found to be only a vessel which they had sent to Jamaica-come back empty.Those of them that were left fled at length from the place of graves to find,in spite of the Government order,a little charity at New York and Jamaica.

7.Another expedition reached Darien,to find the site of the fortress of New St.Andrews overgrown with huge leaves and brambles,among which noisome snakes were crawling.For a time a brave soldier named Campbell endeavoured to restore the settlement.But one day,after his return from the Pacific side,where he had succeeded in taking a Spanish fortress,he saw from the ridge of the hilly range that forms the Isthmus twenty-five ships of the enemy blocking up the harbour.

8.For six weeks they held out;but when they had melted all their pewterplates and cups into balls,and had eaten almost the last scraps of food in the fortress,they yielded to superior force.Thus perished a Scottish colony,which,with a little fostering care from England,might have risen to be the capital of the New World;for there is no finer site for commerce than the narrow neck which separates the Atlantic from the Pacific waters.



a 运河:目前已经有一条铁路穿过达里恩地峡,并且在1881年在苏伊士运河设计师的指导下,建立了一条将大西洋和太平洋连接起来的运河和船运航道。








a 利思:即爱丁堡港,位于福思湾上。




1702to 1714A.D.-12years(公元1702~1714年,在位12年)accession,coming to the throne.


bribes,unlawful payments.

constitution,form of government.criminals,those who had broken the law.government,ruling of England.

key,means of getting access to.

marshland,bog.splendid,very fine.united,made one country.waged,carried on.

1.Anne was the second daughter of James the Second,and sister of the late Queen Mary.Her husband was Prince George of Denmark;but he took no part in the government2.During nearly the whole of her reign war was waged with France and Spain,and many were the victories gained by the English under the famous Duke of Marlborough.For his services,he was rewarded with an estate inaOxfordshire.A splendid house built on it was named Blenheim,bfrom a greatbattle which he had won.In the same war Gibraltarwas captured fromSpain.The place is of great value to the English,as it forms the key to the Mediterranean.

3.England and Scotland were now really united,-Scotland sending sixteen peers and forty-five (she now sends sixty)commoners to Parliament,but keeping her own law-courts and her own Church.After that,the commerce of Scotland began to extend greatly,and the wealth and comfort and happiness of her people to increase.


4.The war with France ended in the Treaty of Utrecht,by which Englandgained the Hudson Bay Territory,Newfoundland,and Nova Scotia;and was allowed to keep Gib-raltar.The Duke of Marlborough fell into disgrace,a Blenheim.-The village near which the battle was fought (1704)is on the Danube,23miles north-west of Augsburg.

b Gibraltar.-A rock fortress on the south of Spain.

c Utrecht.-In Holland,21miles south-east of Amsterdam.

for having taken bribes from persons who supplied the army with food and clothing.The command of the army was taken from him,and he retired to the Continent,where he remained till the next reign.He then returned to England.

5.Anne died of apoplexy,aged forty-nine.She was the last of the Stewarts who sat on the throne.By her blameless life and her bounty to the Church she won the title of “Good Queen Anne.”She had nineteen children,who all died in childhood.

6.The greatest change in the Constitution during the Stewart period was the fixing of a limit to the Royal power,and the increase of the power of the People through the House of Commons.This was done by the Bill of Rights,on the accession of William the Third.