
第115章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(23)

9.The country gentlemen,now a polished and an important class,were,at the time of the Revolution,rough and poorly educated.Their lands yielded rents equal to about one-fourth of those now paid.Seldom leaving their native county even for London,they spent their days in field-sports or in attending the neighbouring markets.Drunkenness was a common and fashionable vice,and continued to be so more or less until the beginning of the present century.

a Coffee-houses.-These were at first houses or shops for the sale of prepared coffee.The first in England was established in 1652,in Oxford,by a Jew named Jacobs.

b John Dryden.-The chief poet of the time;author of “Absalom and Achitophel,”“The Hind and Panther,”“Annus Mirabilis”(1666),and many plays.

10.The country clergy stood low in the social scale.In most mansions there was a chaplain,or,as he was often called,a Levite,who,receiving his board and?10a-year,was no better than an upper servant.His wife was often taken from the kitchen of his patron.Even if he got a parish he lived and worked like a peasant:his sons were ploughmen,and his daughters went to service.

11.Of the labouring classes we know little.Four-fifths of them were employed in agriculture.In Devon,Suffolk,and Essex the highest wages were paid,averaging five shillings a-week without food.Those engaged in manufactures earned about six shillings a-week.The poor-rate was the heaviest tax,for the paupers amounted to no less than one-fifth of the community.

12.The Ca valier and the Roundhead

presented a striking contrast in their dress and habits.Bright colours,profuse ornament,and graceful style marked the costume of the Cavalier.His richly-laced cloak,over which lay an embroidered collar,hisbroad-leafed hat of beaver with its white and flowing plume,his silken doublet,and his flowing locks,made up a figure the most picturesque ofany period in our history.The Puritan or Roundhead wore a cloak of sad-colouredbrown or black,a plain collar of linen laidCAVALIER AND ROUNDHEAD.

carelessly down on the plaited cloth,and a hat with a high steeple-shaped crown over his closely clipt or lank straight hair.

13.The roads were so bad that travelling was very difficult.Rich men travelled in their own coaches,but they were obliged often to have six horses to pull them through the mud.The inns were good and comfortable.Highwaymen,well armed and mounted on fine horses,infested all the great roads;and it is said that many of the innkeepers were paid by them to give information about those travellers who were worth attacking.

14.There was nothing at all equal to our modern newspaper.The only paper allowed was The London Gazette,a two-paged sheet of very meagre contents,and issued twice a-week.An important feature of social life during this age was The Newsletter.This was an epistle,despatched to the country generally once a-week,giving all the chat of the coffee-houses and the news of the capital.Several families subscribed to pay some Londoner,who gave them the scraps of news gathered during his rambles.

15.There were few printing-presses in the country except in London and at the Universities.The only press north of the Trent was at York.Books were therefore scarce and dear,and very few were to be found in the best country houses.In London the booksellers‘shops were thronged with readers.The favourite and fashionable study of the later Stewart days was chemistry.

Charles the Second had a laboratory in his palace at Whitehall.It was soon discovered that chemistry might be turned to the improvement of agriculture.Experiments were made on various soils,new fruits and vegetables were grown in the gardens,and farmers began to think that perhaps after all there might be some profit in the study of science.














13.路况很差,使得出行非常困难。有钱人乘坐私家马车外出,但往往只能用六匹马拉着他们穿过泥泞。小旅馆好客而舒适。全副武装的拦路劫匪爬上良马,在所a 咖啡厅:这些地方最初是用来销售即用咖啡的住宅或商店。英国最早的咖啡厅是1652年在牛津由一个名叫雅各布斯的犹太人设立的。