11.When Wolfe saw the lines shaking under the fire,he led his men rapidly forward with the bayonet,and broke the hostile array completely.In the advance a bullet struck his wrist:he received another in the body;but neither wound could stop him.At last a third pierced his breast.“Hold me up,”said he to an officer;“do not let my brave fellows see me drop.”His head then drooped,and he almost swooned in the arms of those who were carrying him to the rear.
12.While one of them was holding water to his lips,the officer supporting him cried out suddenly,“They run!they run!”-“Who r un?”a sked the dyingman,starting up with an effort which brought the blood welling from his wounded breast.-“The French,”wa s the repl y,“are running everywhere.”-“Do they run already?”said Wolfe,with his last words giving an order toDEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE.
make the victory complete;“then
go to Colonel Burton and bid him cut off the fugitives with Webb’s regiment.I die happy.”
13.Equally brave and glorious was the way in which Montcalm met his death.He too had received a bullet in his body;and the surgeon told him that it was a mortal wound.“How long shall I live?”said he.-“Perhaps less than twelve hours.”-“So much the better.I am very glad,”exclaimed the gallant soldier;“for I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec.”
a Nelson(1758~1805):英国海军上将,在1798年的尼罗河战役中打败法国舰队,结束了拿破仑征服埃及的企图。1805年在特拉尔加摧毁了法国和西班牙的海军力量并身负重伤。--译者注b 托马斯·格雷(1716~1771):英国诗人。被认为是英国浪漫主义运动的先驱。其最著名的作品为1751年创作的《墓园挽歌》。--译者注炫耀门第、吹嘘权势,一切美色与金钱给人的满足,同样在等待着逃不脱的时日,光荣的道路最终只通向坟墓。
disguised,made to appear.
republic,country ruled by the people.
Stamp Act,Act putting a tax on stamp.states,provinces;divisions.
taxing them,deciding the amount of taxes they should pay.
warnings,words of caution.
1.George the Third,grandson of the late King,came to the throne at the age of twenty-two,and at a time when Britain had become the most powerful nation in the world.During the Seven Years‘War,in which England was the ally of Prussia against Austria,Russia,and France,twenty-five islands,nine cities,and twelve millions of treasure had been taken.Peace was restored by the Treaty of Paris.
2.Then arose the famous quarrel with the American Colonies.The English Government claimed the right of taxing them,although they sent no members to the House of Commons;and accordingly it passed the Stamp Act.This raised such a storm of anger that the Act had to be withdrawn.But the right to tax was still claimed;and in spite of the loud warnings of Pitt,Fox,and Burke,taxes were laid on tea and other articles imported into America.
3.The Americans,however,refused to pay them;and several cargoes of taxedatea,sent from England to Boston,were
a Boston.-Capital of Massachusetts.
turned overboard in Boston harbour by some of the inhabitants disguised as Red Indians.England resolved to subdue the colonists by the sword.Large bodies of troops were sent out.
4.The Americans raised an army in their own defence,under the command of George Washington.Then they drew up a Declaration of Independence,and formed a union of thirteen States,under the name of the United States of America.
esperate struggle was carried on for seven uring which many bloody battles were fought.st Lord Cornwallis,with 7,000Britishatroops,was hemmed in at YorktownbyWashington,and was forced to surrender.
6.Another English army,under General
Burgoyne,had surrendered at Saratoga