
第29章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(29)






a 鲁弗斯:原词Rufus从“红色(Ruddy)”化用而来。--译者注b 十字军东征:也成为“圣战”,前后经历8次大规模战争,皆发生在11到13世纪。








minstrel,consisting of singers.

pyramid,great monument.


sculptured,carved;covered with flgures.shrined,enshrined;made saints of.triumphant,victorious.

1.Chieftains,lead on!our hearts beat high,Lead on to Salem’s towers!

Who would not deem it bliss to die,Slain in a cause like ours?

The brave who sleep in soil of thine,

Die not entombed but shrined,O Palestine!

2.Souls of the slain in holy war!

Look from your sainted rest.Tell us ye rose in Glory‘s car,To mingle with the blest;Tell us how short the death-pang’s power,How bright the joys of your immortal bower.

3.Strike the loud harp,ye minstrel train!

Pour forth your loftiest lays;Each heart shall echo to the strainBreathed in the warrior‘s praise.Bid every string triumphant swellThe inspiring sounds that heroes love so well.

4.Salem!amidst the fiercest hour,The wildest rage of fight,Thy name shall lend our falchions power,And nerve our hearts with might.

Envied be those for thee that fall,

Who find their graves beneath thy sacred wall.

5.For them no need that sculptured tomb Should chronicle their fame,Or pyramid record their doom,Or deathless verse their name;It is enough that dust of thineShould shroud their forms,O blessed Palestine!

6.Chieftains,lead on!our hearts beat high For combat’s glorious hour;Soon shall the red-cross banner fly On Salem‘s loftiest tower!

We burn to mingle in the strife,Where but to die insures eternal life.













descendant,child.deserve,merit.frightened,afraid.launched,sent forth.

revelry,noisy feasting.shafts,arrows.startled,shocked.tragedy,a fatal event.

1.The strange circumstances under which Rufus met his death,have given him a fame which his living deeds did not deserve.For he was a cruel and wicked man,without a single quality which could make his subjects sorry to lose him.

2.Like all the nobles and princes of that age,he spent a great deal of time in hunting deer and shooting them with arrows.He was especially fond of the New Forest,which his father had made by ruining churches and burning villages over a space of thirty miles.A curse seemed to cling to the trees.The country people told with terror tales of the unearthly shrieks which often rang out from the dark glades at night;and twice death had seized a descendant of the Conqueror within the skirts of the hunting-ground.The third and greatesttragedy was now to take place,and Rufus was to be its victim.

3.Having come to Malwood Keep,which stood on the border of the forest,William,after the usual revelry,lay down on his bed of straw.In the dead of night a scream and a cry for “Light”broke on the ears of his attendants.They rushed into the room,and found Rufus,with white face and shaking limbs,sitting on the side of his couch,and scarcely able to speak for the terror of a dreadful dream.So frightened was he,that he would not let them go away,but kept them by his bed to while away the time with stories and jests.

4.Soon after day broke,an arrow-maker brought him six new shafts,with which he was so much pleased that he bought them;and,keeping four for himself,he gave two to his friend and fellow-sports-man,Sir Walter Tyrrel.

5.The Norman dinner hour was nine in the morning;but perhaps a huntingparty would take an early meal at seven or eight.At any rate,there was more wine drunk at table that morning than should have been;and the noise hadgrown very loud,when suddenly a messenger arrived from Gloucester to tell the King that one of the monks of St.Peter’s Abbey had dreamed that he would die by a sudden and dreadful death.“Give him a hundred pence to have better dreams,”cried the King.“Do they think I am such a fool as to put off my sport because an old woman happens to dream or to sneeze?-To horse,Walter Tyrrel.”