12.Notes of Progress.-At this time learning was chiefly confined to the clergy,who were also the best gardeners and farmers.The nobles cared more for war and sports than for learning.Few of them could either read or write!-Books were not printed;they were written with the hand.This was the work of the monks.In every monastery there was a writing-room,where manuscripts,beautifully adorned in gold and colours,were patiently copied.The books thus produced were very costly,as much as ?40being paid for a copy of the Bible.-The population of England was only about three million,or smaller than that of London now.
a Ravenspur.-On the northern shore of the Humber in Yorkshire;5miles west of Spurn Head.
b Pon‘tefract.-Commonly pronounced Pomfret ;21miles south-west of York.c Lollards.-Literally,hymn-singers;from a German word meaning to sing.d Otterburn.-In Northumberland;20miles south-west of Alnwick.
9.理查德当时还在爱尔兰,当他回国时才发现他的王国已经转入他人之手了。离开时还是英格兰国王,现如今只得投降,成了赫里福德公爵的俘虏,而此时的赫里福德公爵,也已经成了兰开斯特公爵了。公元1399年,理查德随后被押至伦敦,a 先令:英国旧制货币单位,1英镑等于20先令,1先令等于12便士。--译者注b 史密斯菲尔德:位于伦敦市中心,是著名的刑场,公元1305年华莱士就是在此地被执行死刑。同时也是闻名遐迩的比赛、集会之地,后期还成了牲口交易市场。
c 渡鸦岔口:位于约克郡内亨伯河北岸,地处斯伯恩角以西5英里。
a 庞蒂弗拉克特:地处约克西南21英里。
b 罗拉德派:原词Lollards,文学作品中常写作Hymn-singers;从德语单词变化而来,意思是唱歌。
c 奥特伯恩:位于诺森白兰,地处阿尼克西南20英里。
attendants,followers.collector,tax-gatherer.destruction,ruin;death.discontented,not satisfied.expenses,cost.
galloping,riding on horseback.
luxury,fine living.occupation,trade.oppression,harsh treatment.
polltaxt,ax at so much a head.prevented,stopped.promising,giving his word.retinue,body of attendants.violence,roughness.
1.In the old town of Dartford,in Kent,about fifteen miles from London,there lived a workman,who was called from his occupation Walter the Tyler.History has shortened this name into Wat Tyler.
2.It happened one day,when this man was engaged in tiling the roof of a house in the village,that the collector of the district came to his cottage to demand payment of a tax,which had been lately laid on the English people in order to meet the expenses of a French war.It was called the polltax,being laid on every head over fifteen years of age,and its amount was a shilling a year.It must not be forgotten that a shilling a year in the reign of Richard the Second was almost the same as a pound would be now.
3.There was a dispute about the age of a little girl,the daughter of Tyler;and when he heard of the rudeness and violence with which the collector was demanding the tax,Wat jumped off the roof where he had been at work,ran home,and struck the insolent official so violently on the head with his lathing-staff as to knock him down dead.
4.In another part of Kent a priest named John Ball had for a long time been preaching every Sunday in the open air against the luxury of the rich and their oppression of the poor.He spoke so fiercely and so often on the subject that the poor people began to look on the possessions of the rich as the property of mankind,in which they themselves ought to have a share.And so they werequite ready to join in a riot.There was a similar movement in Essex,where the leader of the people was Jack Straw.
5.All the poor and discontented people of the counties around London gathered on Blackheath,to the number of one hundred thousand men,armed with weapons of the strangest kind:rusty swords;bows cut from the yew-trees that filled the churchyards;and that favourite weapon of rustic rioters,scythe blades tied on poles.
6.To Rotherhithe on the Thames the King rowed down in his royal boat to speak with them,and to learn what they wanted.They called out that he must come ashore;but he refused,and one of his attendants was foolish enough to mock at the dress of the mob,as being unfit for a meeting with the King.
London Bridge was shut against the rioters by order of the Lord Mayor.
But the mob threatened to burn every house in London if the gates were not opened;and they were admitted through fear.