
第54章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(54)

Tyler.Wherefore should I fear?Am I not armed with a just cause?Retire,And I will boldly plead the cause of Freedom.[Advances.

King.Tyler,why have you killed my officer,And led my honest subjects from their homes,Thus to rebel against the Lord’s anointed?

Tyler.Because they were oppressed.

King.Was this the way To remedy the ill?You should have triedBy milder means-petitioned at the throne-The throne will always listen to petitions.

Tyler.King of England,Petitioning for pity is most weak-The sovereign people ought to demand justice.

I killed your officer,for his lewd hand Insulted a maid‘s modesty.Your subjectsI lead to rebel against the Lord’s anointed,Because his ministers have made him odious;His yoke is heavy,and his burden grievous.Why do we carry on this fatal war,a The Lord‘s anointed.-The King.The Kings of Israel were so called from the custom of anointing them at their coronation.David calls Saul “the Lord’s anointed”.

b This fatal war.-The war with France,begun by Edward III.,who claimed the French crown.Richardimposed heavy taxes to enable him to carry it on.

To force upon the French a King they hate,Tearing our young men from their peaceful homes,Forcing his hard-earned fruits from the honest peasant,Distressing us to desolate our neighbours?

Why is this ruinous poll-tax imposed,But to support your court‘s extravagance,And your mad title to the crown of France?Shall we sit tamely down beneath these evils,Petitioning for pity?King of England,Why are we sold like cattle in your markets-Deprived of every privilege of man?

Must we lie tamely at our tyrant’s feet,And,like your spaniels,lick the band that beats us?You sit at ease in your gay palaces!

The costly banquet courts your appetite;Sweet music soothes your slumbers:we,the while,Scarce by bard toil can earn a little food,And sleep scarce sheltered from the cold night wind;Whilst your wild projects wrest the little from us Which might have cheered the wintry hour of age.The Parliament for ever asks more money;We toil and sweat for money for your taxes:Where is the benefit,what good reap we From all the counsels of your government?

Think you that we should quarrel with the French?What boots to us your victories,your glory?

We pay,we fight,-you profit at your ease.Do you not claim the country as your own?Do you not call the venison of the forest,The birds of heaven,your own?-prohibiting us,Even though in want of food,to seize the prey Which nature offers.King!is all this just?

Think you we do not feel the wrongs we suffer?The hour of retribution is at hand,And tyrants tremble-mark me,King of England!

Walworth (comes behind him and stabs him).Insolent rebel,threatening the King!


Hob.Seize the King.

King.I must be bold (advancing).

My friends and loving subjects,I will grant you all you ask;you shall be free-The tax shall be repealed-all,all you wish.

Your leader menaced me;he deserved his fate;Quiet your angers:on my royal word,Your grievances shall all be done away;Your vassalage abolished;a free pardon Allowed to all.So help me God,it shall be.

John Ball.Revenge,my brethren,beseems not Christians:Send us these terms,signed with your seal of state.

We will await in peace.Deceive us not-Act justly,so to excuse your late foul deed.

King.The charter shall be drawn out;on mine honour,All shall be justly done.
















泰勒:英格兰国王,你要知道,需要向人求得同情的人群总是很弱势的,而这些高居庙堂的人更应该主动去彰显正义。我之所以杀了你的官员,是因为此人无耻下流,居然把手伸向了朴实无华的少女。我之所以让你的民众起来造反,反对他们的耶和华受膏者,乃是由于他手下的王公大臣把他变成了一个令人憎恶的人。他的苛捐杂税让人民不堪重负,并且还得寸进尺,贪得无厌。我们为什么要持续那场鏖战b,为何要强迫法兰西人民接受一个他们厌恶的国王,为何要让年轻人远离他们宁静的家园,为何要将农民们的辛劳所得被生生抢夺,为何要让我们自己陷入苦楚,让周遭的人们也孤独无助?为什么要收取无理的人头税来支撑你的奢侈宫廷生活,以及支持你称王法兰西的痴心妄想?难道我们就该在这样的邪恶暴政之下坐以待毙祈求同情?英格兰国王,为什么我们完全丧失做人的尊严像牲口一样在市场上交易?难道我们就该温顺地匍匐在暴君的脚下,就像你身边的猎犬,舔着你那双欺压人民的手吗?你倒是可以在华丽的宫殿里养尊处优,有珍馐美酒满足你的口腹之欲,有丝竹管弦伴你酣睡休息;而我们呢,起早贪黑也只能赚取一点可怜的食物,晚上也只能蜷缩在寒风呼啸的破屋里,而你的野心战事还把我们所剩无几能抵御饥a 耶和华的受膏者:意指国王。按照以色列的古老习俗,他们的国王在加冕礼上都要被涂抹油膏,因此也就被如此称谓。《圣经》中大卫把索尔王就称作“耶和华的受膏者”。

b 那场鏖战:指与法国的战争,开始于爱德华三世,当时他想称王法兰西。理查德对人民课以重税目的就是为了持续这场战争。





