
第75章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(75)

2.Having reduced some castles by the Tweed,James of the Iron Belt,as he wascalled from a chain which he wore around his waist,took up a well-chosen position on Flodden Hill,west of the Till,which runs northward to the Tweed.The Earl of Surrey was moving from Newcastle to meet him there.It was customary in those days to send heralds and challenges from leader to leader;and crooked old Surrey despatched Red Cross with a challenge to fight on the next Friday.

3.James accepted the challenge;but many of his nobles objected to meeting the English in battle at that time.Among them were Lord Lindsay,whomJames in a fury threatened to hang on his own castle-gate;and Archibald Bell-bthe-Cat,the old Earl of Angus,whom the King roughly desired to go home,if he were afraid.The old man could not prevent the tears from starting to his eyes at this unkind rebuff;and,turning away,he said in a weak and sorrowfula The Iron Belt.-Before James came to the throne,he had been forced to take part with the rebellious nobles of Scotland against his father,James III.The latter was killed in the struggle,and James took this so much to heart that he resolved to punish himself by wearing a heavy belt or chain of iron around his waist all his life.

b Bell the Cat.-Archibald Douglas,Earl of Angus,was so called from an incident in the reign of JamesIII.That King was much addicted to favourites.His nobles held a meeting to consider how the favouritesmight be kept at a distance and made harmless.One of them told a story of the mice resolving to tie a bell to the cat’s neck in order to warn them of her approach,and suggested a similar treatment of the favourites.The difficulty that arose was,Who was to bell the cat?“I will bell the cat,”said Angus;and the name stuck to him ever afterwards.

voice,“My age renders my body of no use in battle,and my counsel is despised;but I leave my two sons and the vassals of Douglas in the field:may old Angus‘s foreboding prove unfounded.”

4.The two armies were brought into a position very close to each other byaa movement which they both made towards Branxton Hill.

Before the Scots

descended from the slope of Flodden,they set fire to the relics of their camp,and then began to move under cover of the smoke;and till this blew away,neither army knew where the other one was.But when this gray curtain,lifted by the wind,disclosed to each the enemy at the distance of only a quarter of a mile,it was clear that there must be a battle at once.

5.At four in the afternoon the cannon on both sides began to fire.The aim of the English gunners was truer than that of their Scottish foemen,who were driven from their posts by the accuracy and quickness of the shooting.With their long pikes the left wing of the Scottish army broke the part of the English lines opposed to them,and repelled every attack of the English horse.But the broadswords of the Highlanders on the right wing failed to win a similar success.

6.Then the centres met with a terrific shock;and a number of cross movements took place,which resulted in King James and his men being so surrounded that all thought of escape was impossible.Nothing remained but to die fighting,and to lie where the death-blow came.

7.The great tragedy of the day was the death of gay and gallant James.Twoarrows struck him,and the sweeping cut of a “brown bill,”which somewhat resembled a scythe-blade on a pole,cleft his skull.Over his body,which lay within a spear’s length of where Surrey stood,there was a terrible fight of Scottish and English knights;but the falling darkness enabled the Scots to make good their retreat from the scene of disaster and defeat.Flodden was indeed a Field of Blood.



2.在夺取特威德河沿岸一些城堡之后,狮链王b詹姆士在弗洛登山上挑了个好位置驻扎了下来。之所以叫他狮链王,是因为他老是在腰间拴着一根像链子一样的腰a Branxton Hill -A hill near Flodden,where the battle was fought.

b 狮链王:在他即位以前,他曾被迫参与苏格兰贵族反对他父王詹姆士三世的叛乱,其父在这场斗争中被杀,这让他一直耿耿于怀,他决定对自己施以惩罚,于是在腰间拴了一根很沉重的腰带或者说是一根拴狮子用的铁链,终身都没有取下来。







a 给猫拴铃铛:此为安格斯伯爵阿奇博尔德·道格拉斯的绰号,之所以这么叫是因为詹姆士三世时期的一个插曲。当时国王迷信自己的宠臣,贵族们召开会议讨论如何让他与这些宠臣保持距离并且不让他们对国家构成危害。有人讲了一个关于老鼠给猫拴铃铛的故事,老鼠们打算这样做了之后就可以在猫靠近时得到警报,但问题是谁去给猫拴呢?安格斯伯爵回答说“我去拴”,于是这个绰号就给他安上了。

b 布兰克斯顿山:弗洛登不远处的一座小山,战斗就是在此进行的。




battered,bruised;dinted.beacons,signal fires.chivalrous,heroic.corselet,breastplate.dinted,bruised;indented.doffed,did off;put off.grisly,frightful.




1.News of battle!news of battle!-Hark!‘tis ringing down the street;And the archways and the pavement Bear the clang of hurrying feet.News of battle!who hath brought it?