
第77章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(77)

5.伦道夫·默里走进来,步履蹒跚而缓慢;当他摘下凹瘪的头盔,立即潸然泪下。人们上前对他捶打拉扯,他歪向一边,用长剑支撑身体。无人专注于他,大家都被恐惧深受打击,作为一个坚韧顽强的大丈夫,a 少女城:即爱丁堡,爱丁堡城堡的旧称为“Castrum Puellarum”,意为少女城堡。









a 达尼丁:即爱丁堡的诗文名称,原词Dunedin中的Dun意为“小山丘、堡垒”,爱丁堡原词Edinburgh中的Burgh是古英语中的同义词。新西兰奥塔戈岛上的主城名称就叫达尼丁。

b W.E.艾顿(1813~1865):苏格兰诗人,喜剧作家。--译者注90THE FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD金缕地之会

charters,written agreements.



courtiers,ladies and gentlemen of the court.




irresistible,not able to be with stood.loyalty,devotedness to a King.magnificent,splendid.

pageants,showy ceremonies.



tapestry,woven wall hangings.

1.Let us now turn to a very different scene,which filled a French plainwith the pageants of two brilliant Courts.Having sailed over to Calais,Henry the Eighth of England met Francis the First of France,in order to complete a treaty with that monarch.The English King took up his abode in a great wooden house,which was covered with sail-cloth painted like stone,and was hung within with rich tapestry,all glittering with jewels.An altar and many tables,heaped with gold and silver vessels and salvers,stood under the spacious roof of the building.

2.Francis tried to raise a colossal tent,supported by the mast of a ship;but a strong wind broke the ropes and levelled the canvas with the ground,and the King had to live in an old castle.There Wolsey,the great English Cardinal,visited him and concluded a treaty,after which arrangements were made for the meeting of the Kings.

3.A tent,as splendid as such an erection could possibly be made,having been pitched between their places of abode,they rode out one fine day in June to the place of meeting.Henry wore a dress the very name of which is gorgeous.It was made of cloth of silver of damask,ribbed with cloth of gold;and his great train of nobles had spent much more than most of thema Scene.-The Field of the Cloth of Gold was held between Guines and Ardres,two small towns south of Calais.

could afford,in order to make a splendid show in the eyes of the French courtiers.

4.The Kings embraced each other on horseback,in order to be on exactlyequal terms of rank.Said Francis,-a model of manly beauty,with sun-browned face,bright merry eyes,and full red lips,-“My dear brother and cousin,thus far to my pain have I travelled to see you personally.I think,verily,that you esteem me as I am,and that I am not unworthy to be your aid.My realms and possessions show the extent of my power.”

5.In words equally formal and studied,bluff King Hal replied,-“Neither your realms nor other the places of your power are matter of my regard,but the steadfastness and loyal keeping of promises comprised in charters between you and me.I never saw prince with my eyes that might of my heart be more beloved;and for your love have I passed the seas into the farthest frontier ofmy kingdoms to see you.”

6.Then,dismounting,the two monarchs went arm-in-arm into the tent,as if they loved each other like the dearest friends;and there they sat down to a rich dinner,at which the choicest viands were served up,and were washed down with cups of spiced and sweetened wine.

7.Some days afterwards,the two Queens took their seats on thrones to see the tournaments,in which their royal husbands took a foremost part.There were six days of this mock warfare,during which the Kings unhorsed and defeated all who opposed them.But we must not rashly believe that the Kings were therefore stronger men or better fighters than their opponents;for it was then considered a very delicate way of showing loyalty and of flattering a King,to slip off at the moment of encounter,and fall to the ground,as if the royal aim had been true and the royal lance irresistible.

8.Two days were spent in attacking with levelled lances;two in assaults with broadswords on horseback;and two in fighting on foot.The evenings were devoted to balls and masquerades,in which hawthorn and raspberry boughs,which were used as emblems of the two nations,were the favourite decorations.

9.This grand interview lasted a fortnight,during which vast sums of money were spent on both sides.It did little good to any class of people in either nation except the jewellers and the tailors,who supplied the magnificent ornaments and dresses,which entitled it to bear its gorgeous name-The Field of the Cloth of Gold.



