1603to 1625A.D.-22years(公元1603~1625年,在位22年)Commons,members of the Lower House.
cut down,slain.
Episcopal Church,Church governed by bishops.
fagots,bundles of sticks.
Lords,members of the Upper House of Parliament.
train,line of gunpowder.
vaults,cellars.version,same,agree to give.
1.When King James the Sixth of Scotland came to the throne of England heawas called James the First.He was the first of the Stewartkings.He was theonly son of Mary Queen of Scots,and Mary was granddaughter of Henry the Seventh‘s daughter Margaret.He married the Princess Anne of Denmark.
2.James at once began to set up the Episcopal Church throughout Great Britain.At this the Roman Catholics were very angry,as they had hoped that James,being a Stewart,would favour their cause.Certain wild spirits among them therefore made up their minds to get rid of King,Lords,and Commons at one blow.
3.For this purpose the Gunpowder Plot was formed by Catesby and others.A cellar beneath the Parliament House was hired.Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder were secretly placed there,and were covered with coals and fagots.
A Spaniard,named Guy Fawkes,was hired to set fire to the whole,at thebopening of Parliament,when the Royal Family,together with the Lords andCommons,should be present.
a Stewart.-This is the proper way to spell the name,which was derived from the name of the office ofSteward,held by the founder of the family.
b Opening of Parliament.-Parliament is usually opened by the King or the Queen,who goes in state to the House of Lords.There the Commons are called to join the Lords and to listen to the speech from the throne.
4.But the plot was found out from a letter written by one of the plotters to a friend,whose life he wished to save.This letter was shown to the King,who,guessing what was meant,ordered the vaults beneath the House of Lords to be searched.There Guy Fawkes was found.He had laid the train,and was ready with matches and lantern to do the dreadful work.
5.The rest of the plotters fled into Staffordshire,where a rising in aid of the plot had been arranged to take place.Most of them were cut down while fighting.Others were taken,tried,and doomed to die;but some were pardoned.Very severe laws against Roman Catholics were then passed.They were not allowed to be doctors,or lawyers,or even to live in London;and any one was allowed to break into their houses and spoil their goods.
6.The first great work of this reign was the translation of the Bible.Forty-seven scholars were engaged on the work for three years;and the result was the authorized version.
7.After the death of Lord Cecil,a wise states-man and the faithful adviser of the King,James began to quarrel with his Parliament.He chose favourites from the lower ranks,and by raising them above the nobles,caused much ill-feeling.
8.He tried by all means to increase his power over the Parliament and thepeople;and some of the clergy who wished to flatter him began to preach that the King was above all laws,as he derived his power directly from God.On the other hand,the Parliament would not let the King have his way,and refused to vote him money.
9.James,on his part,laid heavy fines on the people,and sold titles.This breach between King and people grew wider and wider until the death of James;and at last it ended in the overthrow of the Stewart Kings.James died of gout and ague,aged fifty-nine.
10.James possessed an ungainly person and rough manners.He wasgenerous,but he was also self-willed and vain.He believed that he had a right to rule as he pleased,without attending to the wishes of his subjects.
a 斯图亚特:以这种方式拼读该王朝是比较恰当的,其名称源于“斯图沃德”官位的名称,而这个职位是由该王室的创立者掌管的。
a 议会开幕典礼:议会开幕一般由国王或女王主持,主持人要向上院发表演说。下院成员也要到场参加上院的活动,共同聆听国王或女王的讲话。
assembly,meeting;gathering of people.
capable of,fit for.consent,agreement.desperate,reckless.discovered,found out.especially,in particular.evident,plain.
executed,put to death.
mysterious,hard to understand;dark.
prevented,hindered.revealed,made known.situation,office.torture,pain.
1.The reign of James the First had not been many months in progress,when it became evident to the Roman Catholics that he had no intention of conferring any favour on them,or of relaxing those laws which pressed on them with severity.Some of the more desperate men of that creed began to brood over this and to think of revenge.