a 德尔夏温:位于鹿特丹下游2英里处的马斯河或默兹河上。
b 科德角:马萨诸塞州东部一个半岛的顶端。
c 普利茅斯:如今是马萨诸塞州的一个海港小镇,位于科德角以西。
14.尽管要面对敌人、饥荒和热病,这些殖民者仍然得以居住并日益繁荣,虽然一开始发展有点慢;渐渐地,这块由“五月花”清教徒创立的小殖民地发展成一个伟大的国家。da John Carver(1576~1621):英裔清教殖民者,是普利茅斯殖民地第一任总督。--译者注b Bradford(1590~1657):美洲的英国清教徒殖民者,“五月花”条约的签署人和普利茅斯种植园的开拓者,被推选为30个一年任期的总督之一,领导殖民地度过了艰难的早期岁月。--译者注c Miles Standish(1584~1656):美洲的英国殖民者,1620年被英国清教徒雇用陪同其启程到新大陆。在殖民地早期艰苦年月里担任军政长官。--译者注d 一个伟大的国家:指如今的美利坚合众国。
1625to 1649A.D.-24years(公元1625~1649年,在位24年)assassin,murderer.
civil war,war between two parties of the same nation.
head,point when affairs must be settled
one way or another.
rebuke,find fault with.
session,period during which Parliament sits.
standing army,an army constantly ready
for service.
state affairs,public business.
1.Charles the First was the son of the late King.He married Henrietta,daughter of the King of France.His reign was one long struggle for power between himself and his Parliament-a struggle which cost him his crown and his life.
2.The first great event of his reign was an attempt made by the English,under the Duke of Buckingham,to help the French Protestants,who wereabesieged by the French Catholics in Rochelle,on the Bay of Biscay.TheEnglish were driven back with great loss,and returned home;and the Duke of Buckingham,when setting out to make a second attempt,was killed by an assassin.
3.To please the Parliament,Charles unwillingly granted the famous Act known as the Petition ofbRight.
This was a law to prevent the King from
levying taxes without the consent of Parliament,from keeping any one in prison without trial,and from sending soldiers to live in private houses.But Charles very soon broke this law;and when the Commons complained,he went to the House in person to rebuke them.The door was lockedCHARLES I.
a Rochelle (Ro-shel‘),an Island near the coast of France.There was a castle on it.
b Petition of Right.-This was a Petition from the Commons setting forth their Rights.
against him;but he got a blacksmith to break it open,and then he sent nine of the members to prison.
4.For eleven years after this (1629-1640)he called no Parliament,but governed the country by his own will.Over State affairs he placed the Earl of Strafford;and over the Church was Archbishop Laud.All who opposed the King’s will were punished by the Court of Star Chamber.All who differed in religion from Laud were punished by the Court of High Commission.
5.That,however,which caused the greatest discontent throughout the nation was the levy of Shipmoney.This was a tax raised by the order of the King alone.Its object was said to be to increase the navy,but in reality it was meant to support a standing army in time of peace.John Hampden,one of the leaders of the Parliament men,refused to pay it,and was tried;and the judges decided against him.
6.This decision helped to bring matters to a head.The Long Parliamentmet in 1640.In its first session Strafford was charged with treason and was beheaded.Four years later,Laud also was beheaded.The Roman Catholics of Ireland rose in rebellion,anda massacre of the Protestants followed.Forty thousand men,women,and children are said to have been slaughtered.
7.T h e r e w e r e n o w t w o great parties in the State-the Cavaliers and the Roundheads.The former sided with the King;the latter opposed him.
The Parliament was chiefly composed of Roundheads;and the breach between them and Charles grew wider and wider,until one day he sent orders for five of the members to be seized for high treason.
8.The Commons refused to give them up.Next day hewent to the House with armedENGLAND-THE CIVIL WAR.
a Long Parliament.-So called from the time during which it lasted.It was not finally dissolved till 1660.
soldiers to seize them;but before he entered,the five members had escaped.All London was aroused,and the streets were filled with crowds of people stirred with anger against the King.Charles in fear fled to York.The Commons demanded that he should give up the command of the army.Charles said,“No;not for an hour.”
9.The Civil War then began.Most of the nobility,gentry,and clergy were in favour of the King,who set up his standard at Nottingham with an army of 10,000men.The inhabitants of London and the large towns,chiefly merchants,tradesmen,and shopkeepers,were for the Parliament.They raised an army,under the Earl of Essex,to oppose the King.
10.During this terrible war,which lasted three years,ten battles wereafought.Charles was at first victorious;but at Marston Moorhis armywas totally defeated,chiefly by Oliver Cromwell‘s stubborn troopers calledb“Ironsides.”Again at Nasebyhopes destroyed.
the King’s troops were utterly routed,and hisc11.He then fled to Oxford,and afterwards to the Scottish army at Newark.
The Scots offered to take his part if he would sign the Covenant,and promiseto uphold the Presbyterian religion.This,however,he refused to do;and the Scots,before returning to their own country,handed him over to the Parliament.