
第19章 FAITH(4)

Beautiful strains of music to pour forth from thestrings of a violin, so may you arouse the geniuswhich lies asleep in your brain, and cause it to driveyou upward to whatever goal you may wish toachieve.

Abraham Lincoln was a failure at everything hetried, until he was well past the age of forty. Hewas a Mr. Nobody from Nowhere, until a greatexperience came into his life, aroused the sleepinggenius within his heart and brain, and gave theworld one of its really great men. That “experience”

was mixed with the emotions of sorrow and LOVE.

It came to him through Anne Rutledge, the onlywoman whom he ever truly loved.

It is a known fact that the emotion of LOVE isclosely akin to the state of mind known as FAITH,and this for the reason that Love comes very near totranslating one’s thought impulses into their spiritualequivalent. During his work of research, the authordiscovered, from the analysis of the life-work andachievements of hundreds of men of outstandingaccomplishment, that there was the influence of awoman’s love back of nearly EVERY ONE OF THEM.

The emotion of love, in the human heart and brain,creates a favorable field of magnetic attraction,which causes an influx of the higher and finervibrations which are afloat in the ether.

If you wish evidence of the power of FAITH, study the achievements of men and women who have employed it. At the head of the list comes theNazarene. Christianity is the greatest single forcewhich influences the minds of men. The basis ofChristianity is FAITH, no matter how many peoplemay have perverted, or misinterpreted the meaningof this great force, and no matter how many dogmasand creeds have been created in its name, which donot reflect its tenets.

The sum and substance of the teachings and theachievements of Christ, which may have beeninterpreted as “miracles,” were nothing more norless than FAITH. If there are any such phenomena as“miracles” they are produced only through the stateof mind known as FAITH! Some teachers of religion,and many who call themselves Christians, neitherunderstand nor practice FAITH.

Let us consider the power of FAITH, as it is nowbeing demonstrated, by a man who is well knownto all of civilization, Mahatma Gandhi, of India. Inthis man the world has one of the most astoundingexamples known to civilization, of the possibilitiesof FAITH. Gandhi wields more potential power thanany man living at this time, and this, despite the factthat he has none of the orthodox tools of power, suchas money, battle ships, soldiers, and materials ofwarfare. Gandhi has no money, he has no home, hedoes not own a suit of clothes, but HE DOES HAVEPOWER. How does he come by that power?





Gandhi has accomplished, through the influenceof FAITH, that which the strongest military poweron earth could not, and never will accomplishthrough soldiers and military equipment. He hasaccomplished the astounding feat of INFLUENCINGtwo hundred million minds to COALESCE ANDMOVE IN UNISON, AS A SINGLE MIND.

What other force on earth, except FAITH could doas much?

There will come a day when employees as well as employers will discover the possibilities ofFAITH. That day is dawning. The whole world hashad ample opportunity, during the recent businessdepression, to witness what the LACK OF FAITH willdo to business.

Surely, civilization has produced a sufficientnumber of intelligent human beings to make use ofthis great lesson which the depression has taughtthe world. During this depression, the world hadevidence in abundance that widespread FEAR willparalyze the wheels of industry and business. Outof this experience will arise leaders in businessand industry who will profit by the example whichGandhi has set for the world, and they will applyto business the same tactics which he has used inbuilding the greatest following known in the historyof the world. These leaders will come from the rankand file of the unknown men, who now labor in thesteel plants, the coal mines, the automobile factories,and in the small towns and cities of America.

Business is due for a reform, make no mistakeabout this! The methods of the past, based uponeconomic combinations of FORCE and FEAR, willbe supplanted by the better principles of FAITH andcooperation. Men who labor will receive more thandaily wages; they will receive dividends from thebusiness, the same as those who supply the capitalfor business; but, first they must GIVE MORE TOTHEIR EMPLOYERS, and stop this bickering andbargaining by force, at the expense of the public.

They must earn the right to dividends!

Moreover, and this is the most important thingof all—THEY WILL BE LED BY LEADERS WHOWILL UNDERSTAND AND APPLY THE PRINCIPLES

EMPLOYED BY MAHATMA GANDHI. Only in this way may leaders get from their followers the spirit ofFULL cooperation which constitutes power in itshighest and most enduring form.

This stupendous machine age in which we live,and from which we are just emerging, has takenthe soul out of men. Its leaders have driven men asthough they were pieces of cold machinery; theywere forced to do so by the employees who havebargained, at the expense of all concerned, to getand not to give. The watchword of the future willbe HUMAN HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT, andwhen this state of mind shall have been attained, theproduction will take care of itself, more effectivelythan anything that has ever been accomplishedwhere men did not, and could not mix FAITH andindividual interest with their labor.

Because of the need for faith and cooperationin operating business and industry, it will be bothinteresting and profitable to analyze an event whichprovides an excellent understanding of the methodby which industrialists and business men accumulategreat fortunes, by giving before they try to get.