

Let us here offer suggestions for the effective useof concentration. When you begin to carry out thefirst of the six steps, which instructs you to “fix inyour own mind the EXACT amount of money youdesire,” hold your thoughts on that amount of moneyby CONCENTRATION, or fixation of attention, withyour eyes closed, until you can ACTUALLY SEE thephysical appearance of the money. Do this at leastonce each day. As you go through these exercises,follow the instructions given in the chapter onFAITH, and see yourself actually IN POSSESSION OFTHE MONEY!

Here is a most significant fact—the subconsciousmind takes any orders given it in a spirit of absoluteFAITH, and acts upon those orders, although theorders often have to be presented over and overagain, through repetition, before they are interpretedby the subconscious mind. Following the precedingstatement, consider the possibility of playing aperfectly legitimate “trick” on your subconsciousmind, by making it believe, because you believe it,that you must have the amount of money you arevisualizing, that this money is already awaiting yourclaim, that the subconscious mind MUST hand overto you practical plans for acquiring the money whichis yours.

Hand over the thought suggested in the precedingparagraph to your IMAGINATION, and see whatyour imagination can, or will do, to create practicalplans for the accumulation of money throughtransmutation of your desire.

DO NOT WAIT for a definite plan, through whichyou intend to exchange services or merchandise inreturn for the money you are visualizing, but beginat once to see yourself in possession of the money,DEMANDING and EXPECTING meanwhile, that yoursubconscious mind will hand over the plan, or plansyou need. Be on the alert for these plans, and whenthey appear, put them into ACTION IMMEDIATELY.

When the plans appear, they will probably “flash” into your mind through the sixth sense, in theform of an “inspiration.” This inspiration may beconsidered a direct “telegram,” or message fromInfinite Intelligence. Treat it with respect, and actupon it as soon as you receive it. Failure to do thiswill be FATAL to your success.

In the fourth of the six steps, you were instructedto “Create a definite plan for carrying out yourdesire, and begin at once to put this plan intoaction.” You should follow this instruction in themanner described in the preceding paragraph. Donot trust to your “reason when creating your planfor accumulating money through the transmutationof desire. Your reason is faulty. Moreover, yourreasoning faculty may be lazy, and, if you dependentirely upon it to serve you, it may disappoint you.

When visualizing the money you intend to accumulate, (with closed eyes), see yourselfrendering the service, or delivering the merchandiseyou intend to give in return for this money. This isimportant!


The fact that you are reading this book is anindication that you earnestly seek knowledge. Itis also an indication that you are a student of thissubject. If you are only a student, there is a chancethat you may learn much that you did not know,but you will learn only by assuming an attitudeof humility. If you choose to follow some of theinstructions but neglect, or refuse to follow othersyouwill fail! To get satisfactory results, you mustfollow ALL instructions in a spirit of FAITH.

The instructions given in connection with the sixsteps in the second chapter will now be summarized,and blended with the principles covered by thischapter, as follows:

First. Go into some quiet spot (preferably in bed atnight) where you will not be disturbed or interrupted,close your eyes, and repeat aloud, (so you mayhear your own words) the written statement of theamount of money you intend to accumulate, the timelimit for its accumulation, and a deion of theservice or merchandise you intend to give in returnfor the money. As you carry out these instructions,SEE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THEMONEY.