

Mark well the name of the principle, and rememberit, because it is far more powerful than all thepoliticians and political machines. It is above andbeyond the control of all the labor unions. It cannotbe swayed, nor influenced nor bribed by racketeersor self-appointed leaders in any calling. Moreover, ITHAS AN ALL-SEEING EYE, AND A PERFECT SYSTEMOF BOOKKEEPING, in which it keeps an accurateaccount of the transactions of every human beingengaged in the business of trying to get withoutgiving. Sooner or later its auditors come around,look over the records of individuals both great andsmall, and demand an accounting.

“Wall Street, Big Business, Capital PredatoryInterests,” or whatever name you choose to give thesystem which has given us AMERICAN FREEDOM,represents a group of men who understand, respect,and adapt themselves to this powerful LAW OFECONOMICS! Their financial continuation dependsupon their respecting the law.

Most people living in America like this country,its capitalistic system and all. I must confess I knowof no better country, where one may find greateropportunities to accumulate riches. Judging by theiracts and deeds, there are some in this country who donot like it. That, of course is their privilege; if theydo not like this country, its capitalistic system, itsboundless opportunities, THEY HAVE THE PRIVILEGEOF CLEARING OUT! Always there are other countries,such as Germany, Russia, and Italy, where one maytry one’s hand at enjoying freedom, and accumulatingriches providing one is not too particular.

America provides all the freedom and all the

opportunity to accumulate riches that any honestperson may require. When one goes hunting forgame, one selects hunting grounds where game isplentiful. When seeking riches, the same rule wouldnaturally obtain.

If it is riches you are seeking, do not overlook thepossibilities of a country whose citizens are so richthat women, alone, spend over two hundred milliondollars annually for lip-sticks, rouge and cosmetics.

Think twice, you who are seeking riches, beforetrying to destroy the Capitalistic System of a countrywhose citizens spend over fifty million dollars a yearfor GREETING CARDS, with which to express theirappreciation of their FREEDOM!

If it is money you are seeking, consider carefully acountry that spends hundreds of millions of dollarsannually for cigarettes, the bulk of the income fromwhich goes to only four major companies engagedin supplying this national builder of “non-chalance” and “quiet nerves.”

By all means give plenty of consideration to acountry whose people spend annually more thanfifteen million dollars for the privilege of seeingmoving pictures, and toss in a few additionalmillions for liquor, narcotics, and other less potentsoft drinks and giggle-waters.

Do not be in too big a hurry to get away from acountry whose people willingly, even eagerly, handover millions of dollars annually for football,baseball, and prize fights.

And, by all means, STICK by a country whoseinhabitants give up more than a million dollars ayear for chewing gum, and another million for safetyrazor blades.

Remember, also, that this is but the beginning ofthe available sources for the accumulation of wealth.

Only a few of the luxuries and non-essentials havebeen mentioned. But, remember that the businessof producing, transporting, and marketing these fewitems of merchandise gives regular employmentto MANY MILLIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN, whoreceive for their services MANY MILLIONS OF

DOLLARS MONTHLY, and spend it freely for both theluxuries and the necessities.

Especially remember, that back of all this exchange of merchandise and personal servicesmay be found an abundance of OPPORTUNITY toaccumulate riches.