

A mind stimulant is any influence which will eithertemporarily, or permanently, increase the vibrationsof thought. The ten major stimulants, described, arethose most commonly resorted to. Through thesesources one may commune with In-finite Intelligence,or enter, at will, the storehouse of the subconsciousmind, either one’s own, or that of another person, aprocedure which is all there is of genius.

A teacher, who has trained and directed the efforts of more than 30,000 sales people, made theastounding discovery that highly sexed men arethe most efficient salesmen. The explanation is,that the factor of personality known as “personalmagnetism” is nothing more nor less than sexenergy. Highly sexed people always have a plentifulsupply of magnetism. Through cultivation and understanding,this vital force may be drawn upon andused to great advantage in the relationships betweenpeople. This energy may be communicated to othersthrough the following media:

1. The hand-shake. The touch of the hand indicates,instantly, the presence of magnetism, or the lack of it.

2. The tone of voice. Magnetism, or sex energy, isthe factor with which the voice may be colored, ormade musical and charming.

3. Posture and carriage of the body. Highly sexedpeople move briskly, and with grace and ease.

4. The vibrations of thought. Highly sexed peoplemix the emotion of sex with their thoughts, or maydo so at will, and in that way, may influence thosearound them.

5. Body adornment. People who are highly sexed areusually very careful about their personal appearance.

They usually select clothing of a style becoming totheir personality, physique, complexion, etc.

When employing salesmen, the more capable salesmanager looks for the quality of personal magnetismas the first requirement of a salesman. People wholack sex energy will never become enthusiastic norinspire others with enthusiasm, and enthusiasm isone of the most important requisites in salesmanship,no matter what one is selling.

The public speaker, orator, preacher, lawyer, orsalesman who is lacking in sex energy is a “flop,” as far as being able to influence others is concerned.

Couple with this the fact, that most people can beinfluenced only through an appeal to their emotions,and you will understand the importance of sexenergy as a part of the salesman’s native ability.

Master salesmen attain the status of mastery inselling, because they, either consciously, or unconsciously,transmute the energy of sex into SALESENTHUSIASM! In this statement may be found avery practical suggestion as to the actual meaning ofsex transmutation.

The salesman who knows how to take his mind offthe subject of sex, and direct it in sales effort withas much enthusiasm and determination as he wouldapply to its original purpose, has acquired the art ofsex transmutation, whether he knows it or not. Themajority of salesmen who transmute their sex energydo so without being in the least aware of what theyare doing, or how they are doing it.

Transmutation of sex energy calls for more will powerthan the average person cares to use for this purpose.

Those who find it difficult to summon will-powersufficient for transmutation, may gradually acquirethis ability. Though this requires will-power, thereward for the practice is more than worth the effort.

The entire subject of sex is one with which themajority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant.

The urge of sex has been grossly misunderstood,slandered, and burlesqued by the ignorant and the evilminded, for so long that the very word sex is seldomused in polite society. Men and women who areknown to be blessed—yes, BLESSED—with highlysexed natures, are usually looked upon as beingpeople who will bear watching. Instead of beingcalled blessed, they are usually called cursed.

Millions of people, even in this age of enlightenment,have inferiority complexes which they developedbecause of this false belief that a highly sexed natureis a curse. These statements, of the virtue of sexenergy, should not be construed as justification forthe libertine. The emotion of sex is a virtue ONLYwhen used intelligently, and with discrimination. Itmay be misused, and often is, to such an extent that itdebases, instead of enriches, both body and mind. Thebetter use of this power is the burden of this chapter.

It seemed quite significant to the author, whenhe made the discovery that practically every greatleader, whom he had the privilege of analyzing, wasa man whose achievements were largely inspiredby a woman. In many instances, the “woman in thecase” was a modest, self-denying wife, of whomthe public had heard but little or nothing. In a fewinstances, the source of inspiration has been tracedto the “other woman.” Perhaps such cases may notbe entirely unknown to you.

Intemperance in sex habits is just as detrimental asintemperance in habits of drinking and eating. In thisage in which we live, an age which began with theworld war, intemperance in habits of sex is common.

This orgy of indulgence may account for the shortage of great leaders. No man can avail himselfof the forces of his creative imagination, whiledissipating them. Man is the only creature on earthwhich violates Nature’s purpose in this connection.

Every other animal indulges its sex nature inmoderation, and with purpose which harmonizeswith the laws of nature. Every other animal respondsto the call of sex only in “season.” Man’s inclinationis to declare “open season.”

Every intelligent person knows that stimulationin excess, through alcoholic drink and narcotics,is a form of intemperance which destroys the vitalorgans of the body, including the brain. Not everyperson knows, however, that over indulgence in sexexpression may become a habit as destructive and asdetrimental to creative effort as narcotics or liquor.