
第28章 黄金时代

WHEN we were talking abut the Stne Age and the Brnze Age, I tld yu that later we shuld als hearf a Glden Age.

Well, we have cme t the Glden Age nw. This desn"t mean that peple at this time used things madef gld, nr that they had a great dealf gld mney. It means-well, let us see what srtf a time it was, and then yu can tell what it means.

After the wars with Persia, Athens seemed t have been cheered up by her victry t d wnderful things, and the next fifty years after the Persians were drivenutf Greece-that is, 480 t 430 B.C.-were the mst wnderful years in the histryf Greece, and perhaps the mst wnderful years in the histryf Eurpe.

Athens had been burned dwn by Xerxes. At the time it happened this seemed like a terrible misfrtune. But it wasn"t. The peple set t wrk and built a much finer and much mre beautiful city than theldne had been.

Nw, the chief persn in Athens at this time was a man named Pericles. He was nt a king nr a ruler, but he was s very wise and such a wnderful speaker and such a ppular leader that he was able t make the Athenians d as he thught best. He was like the ppular captainf a ftballr sccer team wh is a fine player himself and makes fine playersf all thethersn his team. Athens was his team, and he trained it s well that all the players were tps in their psitins. Sme peple became great artists. Sme peple became great writers.thers still became great philsphers. D yu knw what philsphers are? They are wise men and wmen wh knw a great deal and lve knwledge.

The artists built many beautiful buildings, theaters, and temples. They made wnderful statuesf the Greek gds and gddesses and placed themn the buildings and abut the city.

The philsphers taught the peple hw t be wise and gd.

Tragic and cmic masks


The writers cmpsed fine pems and plays. The plays were nt like thsewe have nwadays but were all abut the dingsf the gds and gddesses.

The theaters were nt like thse we have nwadays, either. They were alwaysutf drs, usuallyn the sidef a hill, where a grandstand culd be built facing the stage. There was littler n scenery, and insteadf anrchestraf musicians, there was a chrusf singers t accmpany the actrs. The actrs wre false facesr masks t shw what their feelings were, a cmic mask with a grinning face when they wanted t be funny and a tragic mask with a srrwful face when they wanted t seem sad.

Perhaps yu have seen picturesf these masks, fr in the decratinsfurwn theaters these same cmic and tragic masks are smetimes used.

Athens had been named after the gddess Athena, wh was suppsed t watchut fr and lk after the city. The Athenians thught she shuld have a special temple. Accrdingly, they builtne t hern the tpf a hill called the Acrplis. This temple they called in her hnr the Parthenn, meaning the maiden,nef the names by which she was knwn.

The Parthenn is cnsidered by sme peple t be the mst beautiful building in the wrld, althugh as yu see by the picture, as it is tday, it is nw in ruins. In the centerf this temple was a huge statuef Athena madef gld and ivry by a sculptr named Phidias. We are tld that it was the mst beautiful statue in the wrld as the Parthenn was the mst beautiful building, but it has cmpletely disappeared, and nne knws what becamef it.ne might guess, hwever, that the gld and ivry tempted thieves, wh may have stlen it piece by piece.

Phidias made manyther statuesn theutsidef the Parthenn, but mstf these have been carried away and put in museumsr have been lstrThe Parthenn(帕台农神庙)destryed.

This statuef Athena and thether sculpturesn the Parthenn made Phidias s famus that he was asked t make a statuef Zeus t be placed atlympia, where thelympic Games were held. The statuef Zeus was finer even than thene he had madef Athena and was s splendid that it was callednef the Seven Wndersf the Wrld. Yu remember the pyramidsf Egypt and the Hanging Gardensf Babyln were twthersf the Seven Wnders. It is interesting that eachf these three Wnders was lcated in a different cntinent. Can yu tell which was in Africa, which in Asia, and which in Eurpe?

Phidias has been called the greatest sculptr wh ever lived, but he did a thing which the Greeks cnsidered a crime and wuld nt frgive. We d nt see anything s terribly wrng in what he did, but the Greeks" ideaf right and wrng was different frmurs. This is what he did.n the shieldf the statuef Athena that he had made, Phidias carved a picturef himself and alsnef his friend Pericles. It was merely a partf the decratinf the shield, and hardly anyne wuld have nticed it. But accrding t the Greek ntin, it was a sacrilege t make a picturef a human beingn a statuef a gddess. When the Athenians fundut what Phidias had dne, they threw him int prisn, and there he died.

The Greeks used different kindsf clumnsn their buildings, and these clumns are used in many public and in sme private buildings tday. I"ll tell yu what each kind is like; then see hw many yu can find.

The Parthenn was built in a style called Dric.

The tpf the clumn is called the capital, and the capitalf the Dric clumn is shaped like a saucer with a square cvern tpf it. There was n baser blck at the bttmf the clumn. Itrested directlyn the flr. As the Dric clumn is s plain and strng-lking, it was called the man"s style.

The secnd style is called Inic.

The capitalf the Inic clumn has a base, and the capital hasrnaments like curls underneath the square tp, and the clumn has a base.

As this clumn is mre slender and mrernamental than the Dric, it was called the wman"s style.

The third style is called Crinthian.

The capitalf the Crinthian clumn is

1. Dric(陶立克式)2. Inic(爱奥

尼亚式)3. Crinthian(科林斯式)

higher than eitherf thether tw and still mrernamental. It is said that the architect wh first made this clumn gt his idea fr its capital frm seeing a basketfulf tys that had been placedn a child"s grave as was the custm insteadf flwers. The basket had been cvered with a slab, and the leavesf the thistle called the acanthus had grwn up arund the basket. It lked s pretty that the architect thught it wuld make a beautiful capital fr a clumn, and s he cpied it.

I asked sme bys whichne culd find the mst clumns. The next dayne by said he had seen tw Inic clumns,nen each sidef the drf his huse. The secnd had seen ten Dric clumnsn the savings bank. But the third said he had seen 138 Crinthian clumns.

"Wheren earth did yu see s many?" I asked.

"I cunted the lamppsts frm my huse t the schl," he said, "They were kindf Crinthian clumns."nef the friendsf Pericles was a man named Herdtus. He wrte in Greek the first histryf the wrld. Fr this reasn Herdtus is called the Fatherf Histry, and smeday if yu study Greek yu may read what he wrte in hiswn language.f curse, at that time there was very little histry t write. What has happened since hadn"t happened then. He wrte abut Egypt andther partsf the ancient wrld. He wrte abut places s far away that mst Greeks had never visited them.ne was Kush, in Africa way suthf Egypt. Mstly Herdtus"s histry was a stryf the wars with Persia, which I have just tld yu abut.

In thse days everynce in a while a terrible cntagius disease, called a plague, wuld breakut, and peple wuld be taken sick and die by the thusands, fr the dctrs knew very little abut the plaguer hw t cure it. Such a plague came upn Athens, and the Athenians died like pisned flies. Pericles himself nursed the sick and did all he culd fr them, but finally he, t, was taken sick with plague and died. This happened at the very endf the Glden Age, which has been called in hnrf its greatest man, the Agef Pericles.


我们在说石器时代和青铜时代的时候,我就告诉过你,后面我们也会听到有关 黄金时代的故事。

那么,现在我们来谈谈黄金时代。黄金时代并不是说那个时代的人使用的物品 都是黄金做成的,也不是说他们有大量的金币。它的意思是--嗯,还是让我们看看这是个什么样的时代,然后你们就会明白它是什么意思了。 与波斯的战争过后,雅典人被胜利的喜悦激励着去创造各种美妙的事物,在波斯人被赶出希腊后接下来的五十年--也就是,公元前 480 年到公元前 430 年-- 是希腊历史上最兴盛的年代,可能也是欧洲历史上最辉煌的岁月。

雅典被薛西斯烧毁了。当时发生的事看上去像是个可怕的灾祸,但是并非如此。 人们毅然投入到重建工作中,建起一座比旧城更好、更美的城市。

当时雅典的领袖人物名叫伯里克利。他既不是国王,也不是管理者,但是他非 常有智慧,善于演说,是深受大众欢迎的领头人,所以他认为怎样做最好,雅典人 就愿意照他说的那样去做。他很像一个受人爱戴的橄榄球队或足球队的队长,自己 本身就是个优秀的球员,还能使自己的队友都发挥出水平,也成为优秀的球员。雅 典就是他的球队,他把这支队伍训练得非常好,所有的球员都在各自的位置上发挥 最大的能力。有些人成了伟大的艺术家,有些人成了伟大的作家,还有一些人成了 伟大的"哲学家"。你们知道哲学家是干什么的吗?他们是些聪明的男人和女人,学 识丰富,热爱知识。

艺术家们建造了很多美丽的房屋、剧院和神庙。他们为希腊的男神和女神制作 了精美的雕像,并将其放置在建筑物上和城市各处。

哲学家们教人们怎样变得明智而善良。 作家们创作了优美的诗篇和戏剧。和我们今天的戏剧不一样,那时的戏剧都是表演男女神灵的事迹。 剧院和我们今天的也不一样,是露天的,一般建在小山坡上,这样面对舞台就可以建起一个大看台。这种剧院很少或根本没有布景,没有乐师组成的管弦乐队, 只有一群歌手用合唱来为演员们伴奏。演员们脸戴假面或面具来表示他们的喜怒哀 乐,当要表示滑稽可笑的时候,就戴上咧嘴而笑的"滑稽"面具,而想要显得悲伤 的时候,就戴上愁眉苦脸的"悲剧"面具。

或许你见过这些面具的图片,因为这样的滑稽和悲剧面具有时候也会被用作现 在剧院的装饰物。

雅典是以女神雅典娜的名字命名的,据说雅典娜在守护和照看着这个城市。雅 典人认为她应该有一座与众不同的庙宇。因此,他们专门在阿克罗波利斯山 1 的山顶 上给她建造了一座神庙。为了纪念她,他们称神庙为"帕台农",在希腊语里"帕台 农"的意思是"少女",而少女也是对雅典娜的称呼之一。

有些人认为帕台农神庙是世界上最美的建筑物,不过你从照片上可以看到,帕 台农神庙现在大部分已毁坏。这座神庙的中央放着一座巨大的雅典娜雕像,它是由 一位名叫菲迪亚斯的雕刻家用黄金和象牙制作的。据说,它是世界上最美的雕像, 正如帕台农神庙是世界上最美的建筑一样,它已经消失得无影无踪了,没人知道它 现在怎么样了。但是,有人猜测黄金和象牙引来了盗贼,他们可能将雕像一块一块 地偷走了。

1 现在称为雅典卫城--译者注。

菲迪亚斯在帕台农神庙外面还制作了很多其他雕像,但是其中大部分已经被搬 走放进了博物馆里,或丢失或毁坏了。

帕台农神庙的雅典娜雕像和其他一些雕塑让菲迪亚斯名声大噪,所以他被请去 为众神之父宙斯制作雕像,做成后,雕像将放在举行奥林匹克运动会的奥林匹亚山 上。宙斯雕像甚至比雅典娜雕像还要精美。它如此完美,因此被称为世界七大奇迹 之一。还记得吧,埃及的金字塔和巴比伦的空中花园是七大奇迹中的两个。有趣的 是,这三大奇迹分别位于不同的大洲。你能说出哪个在非洲,哪个在亚洲,哪个在 欧洲吗?

菲迪亚斯被称为有史以来最伟大的雕刻家,但是他犯下了一个希腊人认为无法 饶恕的罪行。在我们现在看来,他所做的也算不上什么了不得的错事,但是希腊人 对错误观念的看待和我们不一样。他是这样"犯了罪"的:在他制作的雅典娜神像 的盾牌上面,他刻了一副自己的像,也刻了一副他朋友伯里克利的像。那只不过是 盾牌上装饰图案的一部分,几乎没有人注意到它。但是按照希腊人的观念,在女神 神像上刻人像是犯了渎神罪。雅典人发现了菲迪亚斯做的事,就将他投入了监狱, 他后来就死在那里。

希腊人在建筑物上使用各种各样的圆柱,这些圆柱如今还用在很多公共建筑和 一些私人建筑里。我来告诉你每一种圆柱是什么样子,看看你能找到多少种。

帕台农神庙的建筑风格叫做"陶立克式"。 圆柱的顶端称为柱头,陶立克式圆柱的柱头形状有点像顶着个正方形盖子的茶碟。圆柱的底部没有基座或基石,而是直接立在地上。因为陶立克式圆柱形式简朴 又充满阳刚之气,所以被称为男性化的风格。

第二种圆柱的风格叫做"爱奥尼亚式"。 爱奥尼亚式圆柱的柱头有个基座,正方形的顶部下有涡卷形装饰物,圆柱下有底座。

因为这种圆柱比陶立克式圆柱更纤细,也有更多的装饰,所以被称为女性化的 风格。

第三种圆柱的风格叫做"科林斯式"。 科林斯式圆柱的柱头比前两种都高,装饰得更繁复。据说第一个做出这种圆柱的建筑家是看到一个孩子坟墓上摆放着一个装满玩具的篮子而获得了灵感,当时风 俗是在孩子坟墓上放玩具,而不是放鲜花。篮子上盖着一片瓦,一种属爵床科植物 的蓟叶长在篮子的四周。在叶子的衬托下,篮子看上去非常漂亮,建筑家想,用这 个式样做圆柱的柱头肯定很美,于是他仿照它做了这样的柱头。

我曾问过几个男孩谁能找到最多的圆柱。第二天,一个男孩说他看到了两根爱 奥尼亚式的圆柱,分别立在他自家房门的两边。第二个说在银行看到了十根陶立克 式圆柱。但是,第三个说他看到了一百三十八根科林斯式的圆柱。

"你到底在哪儿看到这么多圆柱呢?"我问道。 "我把从家到学校的路灯柱数了一遍,"他说,"他们有点像科林斯式圆柱。" 伯里克利有个朋友叫希罗多德,他用希腊语写了第一本世界史。希罗多德因此被称为"历史之父",如果你以后学希腊语的话,可能会读到他用希腊语写的原文。 当然,那时可记载的历史很少。自那以后发生的事情那个时候"还没"发生呢。他 写了古埃及和古代世界其他一些地方的历史。他写的有些地方非常遥远,大多数希 腊人都没去过。其中之一是位于非洲埃及以南很远的库施国。希罗多德所写的历史 大部分内容是描述希腊与波斯之间战争的经过,这段历史我刚给你们讲过。

在那个时代,每隔一段时间,就会爆发一种可怕的传染病,叫"瘟疫"。数以 千计的人会染病而死去,因为那时的医生对瘟疫或如何治疗瘟疫知之甚少。这样一 种瘟疫侵袭了雅典,雅典人如同中毒的苍蝇一样成批死去。伯里克利亲自护理患者, 为他们尽心尽力,但是最后,他自己也染上瘟疫,病死了,黄金时代也就在此时终 结了。为了纪念这个时代最伟大的人,黄金时代也被称为"伯里克利时代"。

公元前 450 年