
第71章 仆人詹姆斯

WHAT des yur name mean? If it is BakerrMillerrTaylrrCarpenterrFisherrCk,

it prbably means that at sme timenef yur ancestrs was a baker,rmiller,rtailr,rcarpenter,rfisher,rck.

If yur name is Stuartr Steuartr Stewartr Steward, it may mean that at sme timenef yur ancestrs was a steward, fr inlden days peple knew very little abut spelling, and they spelled the same name in different ways. A steward was a chief servant.

There was a family named Stuart in Sctland, and frm chief servantsr stewards they had becme rulersf the Scts. Mary Stuart, whm Elizabeth had beheaded, wasnef them.

As Queen Elizabeth never married, she had no children t rule after her. She was the lastf the Tudr family. The English had t lk arund fr a new king, and they lked t Sctland.

Nw, Sctland, as I have tld yu, was then a separate cuntry and nt a partf Britain as nw. The snf Mary Stuart was then kingf Sctland. His name was James Stuart. As he was related t the Tudrs, the English invited him t cme and rulever them. He accepted the invitatin and was called James I. S we speakf his reign and thatf his children as the reignf the Stuarts.

The Stuart family reigned fr abut a hundred years, that is, frm 1600 t 1700, all except abut eleven years when England had n king at all.

Many times the English must have been very srry that they had ever invited James t be their king, fr he and the whle Stuart family lrded itver the English peple. They acted as if they were lrdsf creatin, and the English peple had t fight fr their rights.

An bodyf men called Parliament was suppsed t make the laws fr the English peple. But James said that Parliament culd d nthing that he didn"t like, and if they weren"t very careful, he wuldn"t let them d any gverning at all. James said that whatever the king did was right, that the king culd d n wrng, that Gd gave kings the right t d as they pleased with their subjects. This was called the Divine Rightf Kings. Naturally the English peple wuld nt put up with this srtf thing. Ever since the timef King Jhn, they had insistedn theirwn rights. The Tudrs hadften dne things that the peple didn"t like, but the Tudrs were English. The Stuarts, hwever, were Scttish, and the peple lkedn them as freigners; what they permitted innef theirwn family they wuldn"t stand in these strangers whm they had invited int their family. S,f curse, a quarrel was bund t start. But the real fight came with the next king and nt with James.

During King James"s reign, the Bible was translated int English. This is the Bible that is called the King James Bible.

Nthing much happened in England during James"s reign, but in smether cuntries a great deal did happen althugh the king had little t d with it. English peple made settlements in India, that far-away cuntry that Clumbus had tried t reach by ging west; and these settlements there grew until India at last belnged t England. England had cnquered a large empire and becme a wealthy and pwerful natin.

Settlements als were made in America;ne was made in the Suth andne, in the Nrth. Raleigh"s settlement at Ranke had disappeared, as I tld yu; but in 1607 a batladf English men sailedver t America lking fr adventure and hping t make their frtunes by finding gld. They landed in Virginia and named the place where they settled Jamestwn after their king, James. But they fund n gld, and as they were nt used t wrk, they didn"t want t d any. Their leader, Captain Jhn Smith, tk matters in hand and said that thse that didn"t wrk shuldn"t eat. S then the clnists had t g t wrk.

Back in England peple had learned t smke, and s the clnists began t raise tbacc fr the English peple. The tbacc brught the clnists s much mney that it prved t be a gld mine-f a different kind-after all. But the clnial gentlemen wanted smene t d the rugh wrk fr them. A few years later blackpeple were brughtver frm Africa and sld t the clnists t d the rugh wrk. This was the beginningf slavery in America, which grew and grew until,n big plantatins in the Suth, almst all the wrk was dne by slaves.

This systemf slavery wasf curse very wrng and cruel, but it lasted fr several hundred years. Greed lay at the rtf this as well as manyther evils.

A little later anther cmpanyf peple left England fr America. These peple were nt lking fr frtunes, hwever, as the Jamestwn settlers had been. They were lking fr a place where they might wrship Gd as they pleased, fr in England they were interfered with, and they wanted t find a place where nne wuld interfere with them. S this cmpanyf peple left Plymuth, England in 1620 in a ship called the Mayflwer, sailed acrss thecean, and landed in a place they named Plymuth, in Massachusetts, and there they settled. Mre than halff them died the first winter frm hardship and expsure in the bitter weather that they have in the Nrth; nevertheless, nnef thse wh were left wuld g back t England. This settlement was the beginningf that partf the United States called New England. Yu will hear mre abut bth settlements later when yu study American histry. At present we must see what was gingn in England, fr there were great gingsn fllwing the reignf James Stuart.


你的名字是什么意思呢?如果你的名字是 贝克 或米勒 或泰勒 或卡彭特 或费希尔 或库克,

就很可能意味着在某个时期你的某位祖先是一个 面包师 或磨坊主 或裁缝 或木匠 或渔夫 或厨师。

如果你的名字是斯图亚特或斯图尔特或斯图尔德,可能意味着某一时期你的某 位祖先是个管家,因为很久以前人们对拼写知之甚少,同一个名字会有不同的拼写, 但意思是一样的。管家就是仆人的头儿。

苏格兰有个家族姓斯图亚特,从曾经的仆人的头儿或管家变成了苏格兰人的统 治者。被伊丽莎白斩首的玛丽 斯图亚特就是这个家族的成员。

因为伊丽莎白女王终身未婚,所以没有子女继承她的王位。她是都铎家族最后一个成员。英国人只得四处寻找一位新国王,这时他们寄希望于苏格兰。 那时,我给你讲过,苏格兰当时是一个独立的国家,不像现在是英国的一部分。

玛丽 斯图亚特的儿子是当时的苏格兰国王。他的名字是詹姆斯 斯图亚特。因为他 和都铎家族有亲戚关系,所以英国人邀请他来做国王。他接受了邀请,被称为詹姆 斯一世。所以我们把他和他的后代的统治时期称为斯图亚特王朝。

斯图亚特家族的统治持续了大约一百年,也就是,从 1600 年到 1700 年,除了 这期间有近十一年英国没有国王。

英国人一定为自己邀请詹姆斯做国王后悔了一次又一次,因为他和整个斯图亚 特家族对英国人逞威作福,发号施令,就好像他们是万物的主宰,英国人不得不为 争取自己的权利而斗争。

当时有一个叫做"议会"的机构,专门为英国人制定法律。但是詹姆斯宣称议 会不能做任何违背他意愿的事,如果他们不注意这一点,他就不再让他们治理国家 了。詹姆斯宣称国王做的一切都是正确的,国王是不可能做坏事的,上帝赋予了国 王至高无上的权利,他可以对他的臣民为所欲为。这就是所谓的"君权神授说"。自 然,英国人无法忍受这种事情。自从约翰国王在位时期以来,他们就坚决要求自己 的权利。虽然都铎家族以前经常做些人民不满意的事情,但是都铎家族是英国人, 而斯图亚特家族是苏格兰人,人们把他们看作外国人;人们可以容忍自己的家人犯 错,却无法忍受被邀进入自家的外人做同样的事。所以,一场争吵当然是在所难免 了。但是真正的斗争是随着下一个国王的任期开始的,并没有发生在詹姆斯在位 时期。

国王詹姆斯统治时期,圣经被译成了英语。这部英语版圣经被称为"英王詹姆 斯一世钦定圣经英译本"1。

詹姆斯统治时期,英国国内没有发生什么大事,但是在其他一些国家确实发生 了许多大事,不过这位国王与这些事无关。英国人在印度建立了殖民地,印度就是 哥伦布试图向西航行就能到达的那个遥远的国家;这些殖民地逐渐扩大,直到最后 整个印度归属于英国。英国征服了一个大帝国,成为一个富有强大的国家。

英国在北美洲也建立了殖民地;一个建在南方,一个建在北方。我在前面讲过, 罗利在罗厄诺克岛建立的殖民地已经不存在了;但是在 1607 年一艘装满英国人的船 来到美洲,他们来寻求历险,希望能找到黄金,发大财。他们在弗吉尼亚登陆,把 他们定居的地方以国王的名字命名为"詹姆斯敦"。但是他们没有发现任何黄金,这1 或简称"英钦定译本"--译者注。

时他们还不习惯劳作,所以根本不想干活。他们的领头者约翰 斯密斯船长照管他们 的生活,他告诉大家不干活休想吃饭。所以这些殖民者才不得不去干活。

而在英国,这时人们已经学会吸烟了,所以这些殖民者开始为英国人种植烟草。 烟草为殖民者带来了大笔收入,他们才知道原来烟草也是金矿--虽然与金矿不是 同类--但毕竟价值一样。但是那些殖民地的英国绅士们想让其他人替自己干粗活。 几年以后,从非洲运来了黑人,他们被卖给殖民者做苦工。这是美洲奴隶制度的开 端,随着奴隶制的发展,在南方的大种植园里,几乎所有的工作都是奴隶做的。

这种奴隶制度当然是非常邪恶而残酷的制度,但是它持续了几百年。这种制度 植根于贪婪,许多其他罪恶也莫不如此。

公元 1607 年公元 1620 年