
第8章 欧洲在世界(3)

Dealing with Russia has sometimes been difficult for us.This is logical given the different histories of EU countries.But what matters is not how a discussion beginsb ut how it ends.A n d t he EU has ended up with a united position on the"Medvedev proposals"and on Georgia.President Medvedev himself recently commented on the reasons for Russia"s failure to modernise:the endemic levels of corruption and the need to have a more open,democratic system with the rule of law.

Because of our post-modern DNA,the EU is not well-placed to respond to something that might look like"great power politics".The US probably finds that easier.There is no alternative,but to cooperation with Russia on a wide range of issues.The best way to do so is through agreed rules,whether on broader security or on energy.

A third area where close US-European co-operation is needed is climate change.Every time the scientists come back to us,their findings are worse.This is a planetary crisis.It is urgent.And we need to take our responsibility.I am pleased that more than anyone else,the European Union is showing leadership in tackling climate change.Both with a robust set of policies at home and in pushing the international community to act.

In terms of policy,we essentially need two things:to find the right incentives to stimulate for green investments;and to address the global justice dimension.I am concerned that,on issues such as non-proliferation,this is being cast as a North versus South problem.You created it,you solve it.Yes,the rich created the problem.And yes,the poor are the most vulnerable.But this is a problem that cannot be solved without everyone contributing.In a way,it is a problem for everyone that half of all the people that were ever alive are alive today.

All this makes a comprehensive deal in Copenhagen essential.We need ambitious targets and wellfunctioning cap and trade systems.Plus money for developing countries to help them reduce their emissions and cope with the inevitable.On targets,I welcome the latest commitment by Japan (minus 25%by 2030).And I hope that the US will follow suit.We realise that domestic political circumstances are difficult.But if the US does not move,China and India won"t either.And we have to break this"mutual suicide pact".

A generous and credible deal on financing is not only a part of a larger deal;it is a way to get it.I know it may sound impossible in the middle of such a serious economic crisis.But it is the other way around.Investments in green technology will be key to overcome the crisis.I am not dreaming.It is feasible.The EU is committed to paying its fair share.Next week in Pittsburgh at the G20we will see how much everybody is willing to contribute.

There is a new mood in US-European relations.But also a daunting agenda:the Middle East,Iran,Afghanistan,Russia,Eastern Europe,non-proliferation and disarmament,energy and climate.All different and all difficult at the same time.

The way to solve these problems is by good politics.What do I mean?For me,good politics involves patience,empathy,integrity and creativity.It is about re-establishing trust.About focusing on the future not the past.

The wider horizon,not the narrow.Good politics requires an ability to charm,move,mobilise,persuade and cajole.

Dear friends,some see a world full of growing,intractable problems.I see a world of negotiable conf licts and new opportunities.If we apply ourselves and practice good politics,we can solve the conflicts and seize the opportunities.

Thank you very much.









