
第431章 The Return of Sherlock Holmes(69)

There were only four stationers of any consequences in thetown, and at each Holmes produced his pencil chips, and bid highfor a duplicate. All were agreed that one could be ordered, butthat it was not a usual size of pencil and that it was seldom kept instock. My friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure, butshrugged his shoulders in half-humorous resignation.

“No good, my dear Watson. This, the best and only final clue,has run to nothing. But, indeed, I have little doubt that we canbuild up a sufficient case without it. By Jove! my dear fellow, it isnearly nine, and the landlady babbled of green peas at seven-thirty.

What with your eternal tobacco, Watson, and your irregularityat meals, I expect that you will get notice to quit, and that I shallshare your downfall—not, however, before we have solved theproblem of the nervous tutor, the careless servant, and the threeenterprising students.”

Holmes made no further allusion to the matter that day, thoughhe sat lost in thought for a long time after our belated dinner. Ateight in the morning, he came into my room just as I finished mytoilet.

“Well, Watson,” said he, “it is time we went down to St. Luke’s.

Can you do without breakfast?”


“Soames will be in a dreadful fidget until we are able to tell himsomething positive.”

“Have you anything positive to tell him?”

“I think so.”

“You have formed a conclusion?”

“Yes, my dear Watson, I have solved the mystery.”

“But what fresh evidence could you have got?”

“Aha! It is not for nothing that I have turned myself out of bedat the untimely hour of six. I have put in two hours’ hard work andcovered at least five miles, with something to show for it. Look atthat!”

He held out his hand. On the palm were three little pyramids ofblack, doughy clay.

“Why, Holmes, you had only two yesterday.”

“And one more this morning. It is a fair argument that whereverNo. 3 came from is also the source of Nos. 1 and 2. Eh, Watson?

Well, come along and put friend Soames out of his pain.”

The unfortunate tutor was certainly in a state of pitiableagitation when we found him in his chambers. In a few hours theexamination would commence, and he was still in the dilemmabetween making the facts public and allowing the culprit tocompete for the valuable scholarship. He could hardly stand stillso great was his mental agitation, and he ran towards Holmes withtwo eager hands outstretched.

“Thank heaven that you have come! I feared that you had givenit up in despair. What am I to do? Shall the examination proceed?”

“Yes, let it proceed, by all means.”

“But this rascal?”

“He shall not compete.”

“You know him?”

“I think so. If this matter is not to become public, we must giveourselves certain powers and resolve ourselves into a small privatecourt-martial. You there, if you please, Soames! Watson you here!

I’ll take the armchair in the middle. I think that we are nowsufficiently imposing to strike terror into a guilty breast. Kindlyring the bell!”

Bannister entered, and shrank back in evident surprise and fearat our judicial appearance.

“You will kindly close the door,” said Holmes. “Now, Bannister,will you please tell us the truth about yesterday’s incident?”

The man turned white to the roots of his hair.

“I have told you everything, sir.”

“Nothing to add?”

“Nothing at all, sir.”

“Well, then, I must make some suggestions to you. When yousat down on that chair yesterday, did you do so in order to concealsome object which would have shown who had been in the room?”

Bannister’s face was ghastly.

“No, sir, certainly not.”

“It is only a suggestion,” said Holmes, suavely. “I frankly admitthat I am unable to prove it. But it seems probable enough, sincethe moment that Mr. Soames’s back was turned, you released theman who was hiding in that bedroom.”

Bannister licked his dry lips.

“There was no man, sir.”

“Ah, that’s a pity, Bannister. Up to now you may have spoken thetruth, but now I know that you have lied.”

The man’s face set in sullen defiance.

“There was no man, sir.”

“Come, come, Bannister!”

“No, sir, there was no one.”

“In that case, you can give us no further information. Would youplease remain in the room? Stand over there near the bedroomdoor. Now, Soames, I am going to ask you to have the greatkindness to go up to the room of young Gilchrist, and to ask himto step down into yours.”

An instant later the tutor returned, bringing with him thestudent. He was a fine figure of a man, tall, lithe, and agile, witha springy step and a pleasant, open face. His troubled blue eyesglanced at each of us, and finally rested with an expression ofblank dismay upon Bannister in the farther corner.

“Just close the door,” said Holmes. “Now, Mr. Gilchrist, we areall quite alone here, and no one need ever know one word of whatpasses between us. We can be perfectly frank with each other. Wewant to know, Mr. Gilchrist, how you, an honourable man, evercame to commit such an action as that of yesterday?”

The unfortunate young man staggered back, and cast a look fullof horror and reproach at Bannister.

“No, no, Mr. Gilchrist, sir, I never said a word—never oneword!” cried the servant.

“No, but you have now,” said Holmes. “Now, sir, you must seethat after Bannister’s words your position is hopeless, and thatyour only chance lies in a frank confession.”

For a moment Gilchrist, with upraised hand, tried to control hiswrithing features. The next he had thrown himself on his kneesbeside the table, and burying his face in his hands, he had burstinto a storm of passionate sobbing.

“Come, come,” said Holmes, kindly, “it is human to err, and atleast no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal. Perhaps itwould be easier for you if I were to tell Mr. Soames what occurred,and you can check me where I am wrong. Shall I do so? Well, well,don’t trouble to answer. Listen, and see that I do you no injustice.