
第73章 地球上的生命(16)

Besides these green plants there is another class called fungi,Instead of preparing their own food by the help of the sun and the soil, they live upon the food prepared by the green plants.

Probably the simplest plants are the bacteria, single-cell plants,which multiply very rapidly. Bacteria and fungi cause many diseases as well as most of the spoiling of food. Disease bacteria are usually called germs. Their effects may be counteracted by the use of disinfectants and antitoxins.

Animals take their energy indirectly from the foods prepared by green plants or by other animals. They are usually classed as invertebrate and vertebrate. The lowest form of invertebrate is the protozo?n. Worms and insects are other forms of invertebrates, the importance of which is seldom realized.

Vertebrates usually have a backbone, skull, ribs and appendages. In the skull is the brain, connected to the various parts of the body by nerves. Vertebrates breathe by "drawing" air through the windpipe into the lungs. This is done by the muscles of the chest and diaphragm. The lungs purify the blood, which circulates from the heart through the arteries and capillaries and back through the veins.

The five senses are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. These sensations are carried to the brain by the nerves, and they come from the eye, the ear, the nose, the mouth and the skin, respectively.

For all the activities of body and brain, food is required. As food passes through the alimentary canal, various juices are mixed with it and certain parts of it are digested and absorbed into the body. Foods are of three kinds, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and we need a certain percentage of each for proper nourishment. Usually foods are most nourishing and most appetizing when properly cooked.


Why should plants and animals, like other earth phenomena, be studied in this course?

What are the three parts into which most plants can be readily separated? In what three respects are plants and animals alike? What do the plant roots do for the plant? How do they do it? Describe some different kinds of stems that you have seen, and explain their adaptability or lack of adaptability for making the best of the conditions where they were.

What do the leaves do for the plant? How do they do it?

What is the value to the plant of the flower? How are the flowers prepared to carry out their part in the life struggle of the plant? Describe any way in which you know that animals have been of assistance to plants.

How do plants provide for the dispersal of their seeds? How does the seed develop into a plant?

With what useful or what harmful fungi have you ever had any experience? In what ways are bacteria helpful and in what ways harmful to mankind?

How are harmful bacteria guarded against?

How are plants and animals mutually helpful to each other?

Name and describe some of the invertebrate animals you know. How have we found that the angleworm benefits the soil?

What is the use to the vertebrate of the skeleton and the nervous system?

Describe how vertebrate animals breathe. Why is it vitally necessary for them to breathe freely?

What is the use of the blood? How does it get around to where it is needed? Describe the ways in which man becomes aware of what is outside his body. Why is food needed? How and where is it digested?

What are the three great groups into which foods are divided? Why should you not use alcohol or tobacco?

Why is cookery one of the most useful arts?


90.植物与动物--植物与动物是地球生命要素完美组合的产物。通过接 收到的太阳能量,它们能够直接或间接地加以利用,完成自身内外的新陈代 谢,让自身得以生长、繁殖并进行其他生命活动。鉴于植物和动物都必须完全 依靠太阳和地球才能生存,因此它们便也如其他与地球和太阳有关的现象一 样,须放在这个大背景下进行研究。

91.植物--尽管在显微镜下植物与动物不是很好区分,但在生命形式 上,二者显然差异甚大。大多数植物都是结构精致而位置固定的,并都由根、 茎、叶组成,而大多数动物都是可以自身运动的,并且可以控制自身的不同部 分。但是有些植物,比如海藻,似乎就没有根;还有一些像蒲公英之类的植 物,没有茎;而仙人掌一类的植物,没有叶。

若我们在一棵树的底部四周挖下去,便会在土壤中看见纵横交错的树根, 正是它们让枝叶茂盛的树干部分得以坚固地挺立。如果我们仔细观察研究植物 的这些不同的部分,我们一般会发现,各部分都在植物的生命活动中扮演着不 同的角色。我们尤其会发现以下几点:(1)植物和动物都需要空气、水及其 他养分;(2)植物和动物都能够从外界摄取、消化、吸收食物;(3)越是高 级植物和高级动物,它们肢体的部分分工便越明显。

92.植物的根--植物的根,不仅能将植物固定在土壤中,让植物的枝干 部分得到支撑,它同时还能从土壤中吸收养分,并输送给植物肢体的其他部分。对大多数植物而言,除了碳和氧以外,其他所有养分都是靠自身的根来吸 收的。在土壤成分中,植物必须摄取的养分有氮、钾、钙、镁、磷、硫磺和 铁。水由氢和氧组成,因此氢氧可以通过水来获得;另一种必需成分碳,则是 从空气中获取。这些土壤中的养分必须存在于可溶的化合物中,比如硝酸盐、 磷酸盐、硫酸盐等等。

实验88:将3个两夸脱的罐子都装入半罐蒸馏水,在第一个罐子中再加入 0.5克硝酸钾、0.25克磷酸铁,0.12克硫酸钙以及0.12克硫酸镁;在第二个罐子 中放入的原料,除了用氯化钾取代刚才的硝酸钾,其余跟第一个罐子一样。然 后将三个罐子都放到日照充足且温度适宜的地方,并在每个罐子中放一根10英 寸长的白花紫露草,持续观察,看哪个罐子里的紫露草长势最好?在第三个罐 子中没有任何无机矿物养分,第一个罐子中的所有成分都是植物所需的养分, 第二个罐子中只是没有氮,其余养分也都有。

在实验88中我们会发现,在没有矿物养分的蒸馏水中,植物的生长极其有 限。在没有氮的环境中,长势也不是太好,但是当所有养分都具备时,长势可 就非常好了。植物的养分必须存在于稀溶液中,这样才能被植物的根所吸收。 实验89:在另一个罐子中装入适量硝酸钾浓溶液,也就是平常所称的硝 石,再放入一根与刚才试验中一样的白花紫露草,观察一些时间,它还会长势 很好吗?这次溶液中有丰富的氮,而它对植物的生长,是非常重要且是必要 的。再在同样的浓溶液中放入一片刚从土地里拔出来的新鲜甜菜或者萝卜,注 意观察它们是如何渐渐枯萎的。如果将甜菜和萝卜放入水中,它们则不会如此反应。如此看来,浓溶液对植物会所产生什么作用?

如果溶液浓度太强,就像我们在实验89中看到的那样,植物根本无法吸收 利用它所含有的养分。这就是为什么许多碱性土壤无法供养植物生长的原因。 因为碱性盐一般都非常容易溶解,因此便让土壤中的水分变成了浓溶液,超过 了植物所能适应并加以利用的范围。

实验90:在一只烧杯下面放上三四张厚一点的彩色吸墨纸,烧杯中放入足 量的水以备所需。将纸张彻底打湿,然后在上面撒上几粒萝卜或者其他植物的 种子,将烧杯用玻璃片盖住,然后将它们一起放在一个温暖的环境中。如此保 持几天,注意必须确保纸张始终是充分湿润的。几天之后,当种子发芽了, 注意观察长出的根须,可用放大镜或者低倍显微镜,因为有些根须几乎就是细 微的白色绒毛。在触碰这些根须时,最好用铅笔尖轻轻点击,因为它们非常柔弱,不像其他根须那么有韧性。观察下来,这些小根须主要生长在根的哪个部 位?当这些吸墨纸干了以后,又会发生什么现象?

植物的根上面都长着纤细的根毛,我们在实验90中专门对其进行了仔细观 察,正是它们吸收了土壤颗粒中的水膜,并将它们运转到植物的茎干,进而又 传输到叶子当中。被植物根须吸收的水分都是含有植物养分的稀溶液,在此过 程中,植物的根须不仅从土壤中吸收水分,它们还会分泌出一些弱酸物质,这 些弱酸物质正好又可以帮助这些植物所需的矿物养分在水中进一步溶解。如果 让植物的根在一个磨光的表面上生长,比如大理石表面,便可以清楚看到这个 现象,最后会发现这些光滑表面会被一点点地慢慢腐蚀。

实验91:把一个土豆切成两半,将其中半个土豆挖成类似杯子的形状,并 削去外皮,在杯形中倒入2/3满的浓糖水,并用一颗大头针在杯形的内壁上记 下糖水的液面高度。然后将其放在一盘水中,水的液面略低于土豆杯中的糖水 液面。过一段时间之后,注意观察杯中糖水液面高度的变化。