
第28章 Publishing Institutions and Islamic Publications

As the new education movement kept developing, more and more Muslim organizations sprang up, and the publication of Islamic books and newspapers also stepped into a new era. Amongthe publishing institutions the following ones were of considerable influence:Chengda Normal School set up publishing division soon after it moved to Beijing. Almost every month there were new books published such as “Islam” by Na Zijia, “Studies on Chinese Islamic History” by Jin Jitang, “Islam and Life” by Ma Songting, “True Origin” by Ma Zicheng, “New Arabic Grammar” by Dr. Furfil from Egypt, and “Diaries Written in the Journey to the West” by Zhao Zhenwu,? It also photocopied a number of original Arabic scriptures, such as the Holy Qur"an (Othman edition)? Itcould cast Arabic letters itself, and published books in Arabic.

2)? Beiping (now Beijing) Islamic Publishing House Beiping Publishing House was previously entrusted to print scriptures and books in the name of Islamic Publishing House. As it developed further, it possessed the printing equipment of its own and began to print books and distribute them by itself, and the category of the scriptures and books it published broadened and the subscription increased as well. The scriptures and books it published were mainly the works translated or writtenby well-known scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

3)? Jincheng Baozhen HouseThis was one of the most eminent nongovernmental publishing institutions specializing in publishing Islamic scriptures and books. A great number of well-known scriptures and works translated or written by Muslim scholars was published here, such as “The Essence of the Way to Allah”, “Four Essays on Islam”, “The True Explanation to the Right Religion”, “The Great Learning of Islam”, “Guide to Islam”, “Arabian Ceremonies”, “Arabian Thought”, “Life of the Prophet Muhammad”, “”More About Islamic Explanations“, ”Essence of Four Principles of Islam“?

4)? China Islamic Scripture BureauThe China Islamic Scripture Bureau was engaged mainly in distributing the Holy Qur"an, Hadith and other Islamic scriptures originally published by the Halbi Publishing House of Egypt. It also published various books itself, such as “Chinese- Arabic Bilingual Reader on Phonetics”, “5-Volume Chinese- Arabic Bilingual Reader”, “Chinese-Arabic Bilingual Questions and Answers on Six Islamic Beliefs”, “Chinese-Arabic Bilingual Pamphlet on Prayer”, “Chinese Version of the Selections from the Holy Qur"an”, “Zhongshan Model Dialog”, “Letter Origins”,“Preliminary Arabic Reader”, “Advanced Arabic Reader” and “Textbook on Islamic Bath”? In response to the request of readers, it reprinted many important works translated or written by well- known Muslim scholars during the movement of translating and writing scriptures in Chinese.

5)? Shanghai Muslim Scripture SocietyThe Shanghai Muslim Scripture Society was engaged mainly in reprinting the Holy Qur"an, Hadith and various scriptures and books on Islamic doctrine, law, ethic, and Arabic grammar and rhetoric brought by Chinese pilgrims from Mecca. It also sold various magazines and newspapers in Chinese.

6)? Shanghai Islamic Culture Supply SocietyThe Shanghai Islamic Culture Supply Society was an organization that engaged mainly in reprinting and distributing Islamic scriptures and books. It also offered help to Muslim scholars and Chinese pilgrims to Mecca.

Furthermore, since the beginning of the Republic Period in areas where Muslims were concentrated, publications concerning Islam sprang up like mushrooms. The major ones included:a)? Publications focusing on doctrines: “The China IslamicSociety Monthly“ in Shanghai, ”Islamic Journal“ in Yunnan, ”Arabian Knowledge“ in Guangdong, ”Zhenzong Journal“ in Beijing and ”Light of Islam“ in Tianjin.

b)? Publications focusing on religious culture: “Yue Hua Journal” in Beijing, “Rays of Dawn” and “Muslim Youth” in Nanjing, and “Human” in Shanghai.

c)? Publications specialized in the religions in the frontiers: “Turk” and “Tianshan Mountain” in Nanjing.

d)? School publications: “School Journal of Chengda Normal School” in Beijing, “Journal of China Islamic Youth Society” in Nanjing and “Islamic Students” in Shanghai.

Among all the above-mentioned publications, which were started in 1929 and stopped in 1949, “Islamic Journal” was the one that lasted the longest period (20 years) and had the largest subscription, being the most outstanding Islamic publication in the Republic Period.