
第12章 The Qin Mausoleum and......(2)

The terracotta warrior pits accompany the mausoleum of the Qin Emperor.It is located 1,500 meters east of the cemetery.For some years,this used to be a grave yard.The peasants have found figures like real persons when they dig up the graves.In March 1974,the village peasants at the east of the cemetery digged wells for w a t e r a n d i n c i d e n t a l l y d i s c o v e re d t h e g r a n d p i t o f terracotta warriors.After achaeologists’excavation,the precious deposits of the terracotta warriors over 2,000 years are finally uncovered.The three terracotta warrior pits lie from west to east.The number one pit which was discovered first is in the shape of a rectangle.The length is 230 meters,the width is 62 meters,and the deepness is around 5 meters,with an area of 14,260 square meters.There are ramp gateways to all four directions.To each of its side there are the number two pit and number three pit.

T he te r ra c o tta w a r ri o r pit i s the la r ge s t s c a l eunderground military museum in the whole world.Thecomposition of the pits is well arranged and the structure is unique.At the bottom of the pit,a main wall is built from west to east every other 3 meters and the terracotta warriors are disposed between the walls.500 warriors are excavated in pit number one,among 6 chariots,24 vehicle horses,and bronze and iron weapons such as bronze swords,Wu swords,spears,arrows,crossbows,halberds,etc.There are 210 life size terracotta warriors at the east of the pit,with various expressions,garments,and hair styles.Each of them is lively and vivid,including generals,pommel horses,shoot warriors in kneeling position,etc.They line in three horizontal processions,70 in each.The three leaders wear armors and the rest of the troops wear short clothes with leggings and hairdo without helmets.All of them have bows and arrows and crossbows,appearing to be awaiting orders to depart as vanguard armies.Following behind is the main troopconsisting of 6,000 armored warriors,each with threemeter long weapons like spears,daggers,or harberds.Together in the pit are 35 chariots with four horses in11 passages,lining in 38 columns.The vigour of the terracotta warriors is the artistic representation of the Qin Emperor’s mighty armies when he destroyed the other six states and united China.

The Qin Mausoleum is an architecture that the Qin Emperor built for his eternal blessedness.He spent the major portion of the country’s labor and resources.However,the wisdom and craftiness of the erectors have been highly represented in this great piece of architectural art.Modern visitors admire the ancient artisans’creation,at the same time abhor the violence of the Qin Emperor.After the Qin Emperor’s death,his son Qin Junior carried over the construction of the mausoleum and the warrior pits.This further aggravated people’s burden.Before the construction of the mausoleum is finished,peasant uprisingleadbyChenShengandWuGuangbrokeout.The joint force of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang finallyoverthrew the Qin Dynasty.Pit number three was not finished and pit number four did not have the chance to put terracotta warriors inside,and they were filled up in haste with the entire project unfinished.

The Qin Mausoleum is the largest in scale,oddest in structure,and richest in connotation among mausoleums of kings and emperors all over the world.It is actually a luxurious underground palace.International leaders and scholars come to visit the terracotta warrior museum and regard the discovery of the pits as a significant discovery in archaeology and the eighth miracle in the world.It can be compared with the Egyptian pyramids and the Greek sculptures.

In 1961,the State Department of China nominatedthe Qin Mausoleum to beanationalprotectedinstitution.In1987,UNESCO approved the Qin MausoleumandtheterracottawarriorpitstojointheWorld Heritage list.A vaulted exhibition hall was built above the No.1 warrior pit.The Museum of Qin Mausoleumandthe warrior pits are open to tourists.