
第1331章 The Silver Chair(184)

They all stood looking at one another with bright eyes. It as a sickening moment. “All right!” said Jill suddenly. “Let‘s et it over. Goodbye, everyone!” They all shook hands. he Knight was screaming by now; there was foam on his heeks.

“Come on, Scrubb,” said Puddleglum. He and Scrubb rew their swords and went over to the captive.

“In the name of Aslan,” they said and began methodically utting the cords. The instant the prisoner was free, he crossed he room in a single bound, seized his own sword (which had een taken from him and laid on the table), and drew it.

“You first!” he cried and fell upon the silver chair. That ust have been a good sword. The silver gave way before its dge like string, and in a moment a few twisted fragments, hining on the floor, were all that was left. But as the chair roke, there came from it a bright flash, a sound like small hunder, and (for one moment) a loathsome smell.

“Lie there, vile engine of sorcery,” he said, “lest your istress should ever use you for another victim.” Then heturned and surveyed his rescuers; and the something wrong, whatever it was, had vanished from his face.