
第1488章 The Last Battle(65)

“Don‘t you believe her, Sire,” said Eustace. “We’ve both been practising archery ever since we got back from Narnia last time, and she‘s about as good as me now. Not that either of us is much.”

Then Tirian gave Jill a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The next business was to light a fire, for inside that tower it still felt more like a cave than like anything indoors and set one shivering. But they got warm gathering wood.the sun was now at its highest.and once the blaze was roaring up the chimney the place began to look cheerful.

Dinner was, however, a dull meal, for the best they could do was to pound up some of the hard biscuit which they found in a locker and pour it into boiling water, with salt, so as to make a kind of porridge. And of course there was nothing to drink but water.

“I wish we’d brought a packet of tea,” said Jill. “Or a tin of cocoa,” said Eustace.

“A firkin or so of good wine in each of these towers wouldnot have been amiss,” said Tirian.

A Good Night s Work