
第1513章 The Last Battle(90)

When Jill and Eustace came out of the Tower yawning nd rubbing their eyes at almost half past ten, the Dwarf howed them where they could gather plenty of a Narnian eed called Wild Fresney, which looks rather like our wood. orrel but tastes a good deal nicer when cooked. (It needs a ttle butter and pepper to make it perfect, but they hadn’t ot these.) So that what with one thing and another, they ad the makings of a capital stew for their breakfast or inner, whichever you choose to call it. Tirian went a little urther off into the wood with an axe and brought back ome branches for fuel.

While the meal was cooking.which seemed a very long me, especially as it smelled nicer and nicer the nearer it came o being done.the King found a complete Dwarfish outfit r Poggin: mail shirt, helmet, shield, sword, belt, and dagger. hen he inspected Eustace‘s sword and found that Eustace had ut it back in the sheath all messy from killing the Calormene. e was scolded for that and made to clean and polish it.

All this while Jill went to and fro, sometimes stirring the ot and sometimes looking out enviously at the Donkey nd the Unicorn who were contentedly grazing. How many mes that morning she wished she could eat grass!