
第478章 The Horse And His Boy(68)

And so, before they were half.way through Tashbaan, all their plans were ruined, and without even a chance to say good.bye to the others. Shasta found himself being marched off among strangers and quite unable to guess what might be going to happen next. The Narnian King.for Shasta began to see by the way the rest spoke to him that he must be a king.kept on asking him questions; where he had been, how he had got out, what he had done with his clothes, and didn‘t he know that he had been very naughty. Only the king called it “naught” instead of naughty.

And Shasta said nothing in answer, because he couldn’t think of anything to say that would not be dangerous.

“What! All mum?” asked the king. “I must plainly tell you, prince, that this hangdog silence becomes one of your blood even less than the scape itself. To run away might pass for a boy‘s frolic with some spirit in it. But the king’s son of Archenland should avouch his deed; not hang his head like a Calormene slave.”

This was very unpleasant, for Shasta felt all the time that this young king was the very nicest kind of grown.up and would have liked to make a good impression on him.