
第526章 The Horse And His Boy(116)

Ever yone‘s crazy about him. My husband says he is beginning to be one of the greatest men in Calormen. He has just been made Grand Vizier now old Axartha has died. Didn’t you know?”

“I don‘t care. I can’t stand the sight of him,” said Aravis. “But, darling, only think! Three palaces, and one of themthat beautiful one down on the lake at Ilkeen. Positively ropes of pearls, I‘m told. Baths of asses’ milk. And you‘d see such a lot of me.”

“He can keep his pearls and palaces as far as I’m concerned,” said Aravis.

“You always were a queer girl, Aravis,” said Lasaraleen. “What more do you want?”