
第533章 The Horse And His Boy(123)

“I’m just wondering...” said La saraleen. “I‘m not absolutely sure which way we go from here. I think it’s the left. Yes, I‘m almost sure it’s the left. What fun this is!”

They took the left hand way and found themselves in a passage that was hardly lit at all and which soon began going down steps.

“It‘s all right,” said Lasaraleen. “I’m sure we‘re right now. I remember these steps.” But at that moment a moving light appeared ahead. A second later there appeared from round a distant corner, the dark shapes of two men walking backwards and carrying tall candles. And of course it is only before royalties that people walk backwards. Aravis felt Lasaraleen grip her arm.that sort of sudden grip which is almost a pinch and which means that the person who is gripping you is very frightened indeed. Aravis thought it odd that Lasaraleen should be so afraid of the Tisroc if he were really such a friend of hers, but there was no time to go on thinking. Lasaraleen was hurrying her back to the top of the steps, on tiptoes, and groping wildly along the wall.

“Here’s a door,” she whispered. “Quick.”