
第893章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(18)

“To the convenience of a lady,” said Reepicheep, “evenquestion of honour must give way.at least for the oment.” and here he looked very hard at Eustace. But aspian hustled them on and in a few minutes Lucy found erself passing through the door into the stern cabin. She ell in love with it at once.the three square windows hat looked out on the blue, swirling water astern, the w cushioned benches round three sides of the table, the winging silver lamp overhead (Dwarfs‘ work, she knew at nce by its exquisite delicacy) and the flat gold image of slan the Lion on the forward wall above the door. All this he took in in a flash, for Caspian immediately opened a door n the starboard side, and said, “This’ll be your room, Lucy. ll just get some dry things for myself.” he was rummaging one of the lockers while he spoke. “and then leave you to hange. If you‘ll fling your wet things outside the door I’ll gethem taken to the galley to be dried.”