
第927章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(52)

At first the only people who cheered were those who had been warned by Bern’s messenger and knew what was happening and wanted it to happen. But then all the children joined in because they liked a procession and had seen very few. And then all the schoolboys joined in because they also liked processions and felt that the more noise and disturbance there was, the less likely they would be to have any school that morning. And then all the old women put their heads out of doors and windows and began chatteringnd cheering because it was a king, and what is a governor ompared with that? And all the young women joined in or the same reason and also because Caspian and Drinian nd the rest were so handsome. And then all the young en came to see what the young women were looking at, o that by the time Caspian reached the castle gates, nearly he whole town was shouting; and where Gumpas sat in he castle, muddling and messing about with accounts and orms and rules and regulations, he heard the noise.