
第969章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(94)

Meanwhile Eustace slept and slept.and slept. What woke him was a pain in his arm. The moon was shining in at the mouth of the cave, and the bed of treasures seemed to have grown much more comfortable: in fact he could hardly feel it at all. He was puzzled by the pain in his arm at first, but presently it occurred to him that the bracelet which he hadhoved up above his elbow had become strangely tight. His rm must have swollen while he was asleep (it was his left arm). He moved his right arm in order to feel his left, but stopped efore he had moved it an inch and bit his lip in terror. For just front of him, and a little on his right, where the moonlight ll clear on the floor of the cave, he saw a hideous shape oving. He knew that shape: it was a dragon’s claw. It had oved as he moved his hand and became still when heopped moving his hand.

“Oh, what a fool I‘ve been,” thought Eustace. “Of course, he brute had a mate and it’s lying beside me.”