
第29章 英语习语(二)

1.10 与颜色有关的习语








在汉语中,与“红”相关的词语很多,但并不用“red”翻译,例如“红榜”(honor roll)、“红利”(bonus)、“红运”(good luck)、“红人”(fair-haired boy)、“走红”(be successful)、“红得发紫”(extremely popular)、“红豆”(love pea)。

除了传统的吉祥喜庆的含义,在近代,红色与革命斗争相关联。如“红旗”(red flag)、“红军”(the Red Army)、“红五星”(red star)、“红色政权”(red political power)、“红色根据地”(red base)和“红色娘子军”(red detachment of women)等等。

但在英语中,“红”没有汉语这么多的意思。除red letter day指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”(因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体)和roll out the red carpet“隆重欢迎”外,“红”常常暗示着贬义。如“red-light district”(红灯区)是代表妓女出没的地方;“see red”意为“使人生气、发怒”;“red tape”指的是“繁文缛节”;而“go into the red”表示“开始亏欠”;“in the red”表示“亏损”“catch……red-handed”是“当场被捕”。


红糖brown sugar

红茶black tea

red ruin火灾

red battle血战

red sky彩霞

red meat牛羊肉

red gold纯金



英语中的white有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系,如:a white lie善意的谎言

white coffee牛奶咖啡

white man善良的人,有教养的人


white elephant昂贵又无用之物

white war没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”

white sale大减价

white gas无铅汽油

white area闲置地区

white market官方市场

white horses巨大的浪花

white night不眠之夜

white light district不夜城

white list受宠人的名单

white feather胆小鬼

white-haired boy宠儿

white hope承担着艰巨任务的人

white meat白色肉(指鸡、鸭、鱼肉)

white way灯火辉煌的大街

white coal水力

white-collar workers白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者


白开水plain boiled water

白菜Chinese cabbage

白字wrongly written or mispronounced character

白搭no use

白费事all in vain


黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。例如,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。


black in the face脸色铁青

to look black at someone怒目而视


black money黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)

black market黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场);由此派生出black market price黑市价格翻译有些习语时,不一定用“黑”或“black”的字眼,例如:

黑心evil mind

黑手evil backstage manipulator

黑幕inside story

黑线a sinister line

black letter day倒霉日

black sheep害群之马

black future暗淡的前途

black leg骗子

black and blue青一块紫一块

in black and white写出或印出

black coffee纯咖啡

a black mark令人不满意之处


black figure/in the black盈利、赚钱、顺差eg。 Having paid off all the debts, the company is now in the black。付清所有的欠款后,本公司处于盈利状态。




in a blue mood:情绪低沉。

又如:They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match。


——She looks blue today。 What's the matter with her?

——She is in holiday blue。



holiday blue相当于winter holiday depression,指冬季假期时,人困在家里,感到无聊寂寞时的心情或情绪。另一个同低落的情绪有关的词组是:a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一),指度过快乐的周末后,星期一又要上学或上班,所以情绪不好。


blue talk下流的言论

blue video黄色录象


blue blood(贵族血统),He is a real blue blood。(他是真正的贵族。)

blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工。


out of blue/a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳

once in a blue moon千载难逢

drink till all's blue一醉方休


blue-eyed boy宠儿

blue-brick school好学校(知名学校)

disappear/vanish into the blue无影无踪

in a blue funk惊恐万状


blue book蓝皮书

blue-sky market露天市场

blue-collar workers从事体力劳动的工人

blue chip热门证券;热门货

blue button喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人

blue return蓝色所得税申报表(专供诚实的纳税人申报用)

blue-chip rate英国的优惠的信贷利率

blue laws蓝法(指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)

blue-sky law蓝法(指美国各州为管理股票所制定的股票发行控制法)

blue sky bargaining漫天讨价(指谈判或其它交易中提出根本不切实际的或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)


绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,如:green with envy, green as jealousy, green-eyed monster都是指“十分嫉妒”的意思。汉语中表示“嫉妒”意义的“眼红”,应该翻译为green-eyed而不能翻译为red-eyed。

汉语中表达“缺少经验”、“嫩”、“年纪小”这些意思的颜色词是用“黄色”,如:“黄毛丫头”、“黄司机”(驾驶技术不过硬的司机)、“黄花闺女”等。而在英语中绿色却用来表示“新鲜”、“没有经验、缺乏训练”、“知识浅薄”等意思,如:green meat鲜肉;a green hand新手等。

又如:The new typist is green at her job。刚来的打字员是个生手。

You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people。 She is only eighteen and as green as grass。你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。

由于美元纸币是绿颜色的,所以green在美国也指代“钱财、钞票、有经济实力“等意义,green在财经领域还有下列意思:green power“金钱的力量”或“财团”。

In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them。在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。

green back美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)

green stamp指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名

green sheet指政府预算明细比较表

green pound绿色英镑(指共同体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑。)


green blind色盲

green room演员休息室

green house温室

give……greenlight to……批准……做……

green fingers园艺天才



a yellow dog可鄙的人,卑鄙的人

a yellow livered/yellow belly胆小鬼

yellow look怀疑的目光

He is too yellow to stand up and fight。



Yellow Pages黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)

Yellow Book黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)yellow boy(俗)金币

汉语中黄色一词有时象征低级趣味、色情庸俗、下流猥亵的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。能够表示汉语中这些意思的词汇应该是:pornographic(色情的)、vulgar(庸俗下流的)、obscene(猥亵的)等。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑),blue films(黄色电影)等。



in the pink(of health或condition)身体健康the pink of perfection十全十美

tickle pink


ickle sb。 pink使某人非常高兴

pink-collar workers粉领阶层(指职业妇女群体如护士、秘书等)pink lady一种鸡尾酒(粉红佳人)

pink tea



pink slip解雇通知书

pink elephants吸毒后的幻觉


在中国历史上明黄色是中华民族的代表颜色。它象征神圣、皇权、尊严、庄严。古时只有皇亲国戚才能穿明黄色的衣服。成语也就有黄袍加身、黄金时代、黄粱一梦。但在西方文化中紫色却是尊严、权力的象征。皇帝登上宝座是“raised to the purple”;生于王室是“be born in the purple”;与皇室或贵族联姻是“marry with the purple”。


turn purple with rage气得脸色铁青

purple language尖利的语言

purple passage辞藻华丽的章节(尤指平庸文章中)



a grey mare当家的妻子

grey hair白头发


grey market半黑市

grey area灰色地区(指失业严重地区)

grey-collar workers灰领阶层,指服务行业的职员



golden-collar personnel金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才

golden handshake退职金,遣散费

be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth出生于富贵之家

Every cloud has a silver lining。祸兮福所倚;塞翁失马。


When I ran into him in the street, he was in a brown mood。我在街上碰到他时,他显得心事重重。

另外,棕色还可以表示“黑色”和“深沉”,如:as brown as a berry皮肤晒得黝黑的,in a brown study沉思。

1.11 与数字有关的习语


1.11.1 英汉数字等值习语:

1.a drop in the ocean沧海一粟

2.within a stone's throw一箭之遥

3.Ki11 two birds with one stone。一箭双雕。

4.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit。吃一堑,长一智。

5.at one with……和……看法一样

eg。 Henry and Jack have never been at one with each other, no matter what the subject of discussion is。不管讨论什么题目,亨利和杰克的看法从来都不一样。

6.a nine-to-five job朝九晚五的工作

eg。 It is hard work to be a salesman but his work is freer than a nine-to-five job。当销售员不容易,但他的工作要比朝九晚五的坐班要自由得多。

7.play second fiddle居次位

eg。 Tired of playing second fiddle, she quit and started her own business。厌倦了一直屈居次位,她辞掉工作,开创属于自己的事业。

1.11.2 英汉数字不等值习语:

1.by ones and twos三三两两地,零零落落地

eg。 The students went out of the classroom by ones and twos。学生们三三两两


2.on second thoughts再三考虑

eg。 She decided to go abroad on second thoughts。她经过再三考虑,决定出国。

3.Two heads are better than one。三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。

4.have one over the eight七歪八倒

eg。 He had one over the eight after he drank only half bottle of the wine。他才喝了半瓶酒就醉得七歪八倒了。

5.in two minds about对……三心两意

eg。 Irene is still in two minds about going to her former boy friend's wedding party。

6.three score and ten一辈子

eg。 I'll love you three score and ten。我会一辈子爱你的。

7.at sixes and sevens乱七八糟

eg。 Tony moved to a new office where everything is still at sixes and sevens。托尼搬进了一间乱七八糟的办公室。

1.11.3 英语数字在汉语中空缺的习语:

1.ten to one很可能

eg。 Ten to one, he has forgotten it。很可能他已经忘了。

2.become one成婚

eg。 The priest official1y pronounced that they became one。牧师正式宣告他们成婚。

3.the year one早年

eg。 I used to study in France in the year one。我早年曾在法国学习。

4.look after number one照顾私利

eg。 Mark is very selfish, often looking after number one。马克非常自私,总是关心自身利益。

5.at one time从前有个时期

eg。 At one time, we often had lunch together。从前,我们常常在一起共享午餐。

6.back to square one退回到起点;打回原形

eg。 Mr Scot is not successful in business, so he is almost back to square one。斯哥特先生的事业非常不顺利,他几乎回到了白手起家的时候。

7.one up on/over sb。略胜某人一筹;领先某人一步

eg。 His experience as a sales assisant makes him one up on his peers。他当过推销员,这一经验使他比同事强。

8.be one for doing sth。善于或热衷于做某事

eg。 She is one for solving puzzles。她是解谜高手。

9.one of these days不久,最近

eg。 If Harry keeps telling lies, he will get into trouble one of these days。如果哈里继续说谎,不久他就会陷入麻烦。

10.one of those days特别不愉快或不幸的日子

eg。 I've had one of those days:I was fired, and I lost my purse。这一天我真不幸:被炒魷鱼,又丢了钱包。

11.put two and two together根据事实推断

eg。 Since Susan is neither at home nor at work, Bob puts two and two together and

guesses that she should be in the shopping centre。既然苏珊既不在家又不在工作,鮑勃根据事实推断出她可能在购物中心。

12.be second to none名列前茅

eg。 His mark in math is second to none in the class。他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。

13.on all fours爬着,葡匐而行

eg。 Infants are on all fours before learning to walk。在学走路之前,婴儿都是爬着走。

14.sixth sense直觉

eg。 I always believe my sixth sense。我总相信我的直觉。

15.in the seventh heaven欢天喜地,在极乐世界

eg。 The little girl is in the seventh heaven with her new doll。小姑娘因有一个新的洋娃娃而欢天喜地。

16.dressed to the nines盛装

eg。 She is dressed to the nines to meet the new emperor。她盛装打扮,准备见新君主。

17.a nine days'wonder轰动一时但很快被遗忘的事

eg。 Helen became a popular singer, but suddenly she disappeared。Her singing career

was only a nine days'wonder。海伦成了一名流行歌手,但很快就销声匿迹了。她的歌唱生涯只不过是昙花一现。

18.nine times out of ten多数情况下

eg。 Judy thought that students liked her very much, but nine times out of ten she was wrong。朱迪以为学生非常喜欢她,但多数情况下她错了。

19.on cloud nine欣喜若狂

eg。 Tom was on cloud nine when he gained the first prize in the oral English

competition in Beijing。当汤姆在北京的英语口语比赛中获得了一等奖时,他欣喜若狂。

20.the whole nine yards全部相关物品

eg。 Mary decided to take everything to the school—her books, stereo, computer,

dictionaries, the whole nine yards。玛丽决定把所有东西都搬到学校去,包括书、音响、电脑、字典等相关物品。

21.at the eleventh hour尚来得及的最后时刻

eg。 They arrived at the eleventh hour, just in time to catch the last train。他们最后时刻才到,刚好来得及赶上最后一班火车。


eg。 It's a catch-22 for me that I have to go to graduate school to earn more money,

but I need more money before I go to graduate school。我必须读研究生才能挣更多钱,但我必须先有足够的钱才能读研,这真是进退两难。

23.one in a thousand少有的人才

eg。 He relies a lot on his capable assistant, who is one in a thousand。他有赖于他的得力助手,一位难得的人才。

1.11.4 汉语中的数字在英语中空缺的习语

1.dog's breakfast/dinner一团乱

eg。 He made a dog's breakfast of his papers。他把论文弄的一团糟。

2.a flash in the pan昙花一现的人或物

eg。 Many pop songs are nothing but a flash in the pan。许多流行歌曲都仅仅是昙花一现。

3.go all to pot一落千丈

eg。 How come their business has gone all to pot?他们的生意怎么会一落千长呢?

4.hit the nail on the head一针见血

eg。 The lawyer's analysis is really hitting the nail on the head。律师的分析真是一针见血。

5.meet one's Waterloo一败涂地

eg。 Their football team met their Waterloo in this season。他们的足球队在这个赛季惨败。

6.kick the bucket一命呜呼

eg。 Mr。Smith kicked the bucket in the car accident。史密斯先生在车祸中归天了。

7.in one's birthday suit/in the buff一丝不挂

eg。 The mad man went out of the room in his birthday suit。那个疯子一丝不挂地走出了房间。

8.on the spur of the moment一时冲动

eg。 The student said such a thing on the spur of the moment。学生在一时冲动下说出这种话。

9.wipe the slate clean一笔勾销

eg。 Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our history!让我们尽释前嫌,忘记过节吧!

10.Indian file一路纵队

eg。 All the students have to line up in Indian file to get their food。所有的学生必须排成一路纵队就餐。

11.burn one's boat背水一战

eg。 They took all they had with them to burn their boat。他们带上所有的家当准备背水一战。

12.Jekyll and Hyde双重人格者

eg。 The antagonist in the novel is a Jekyll and Hyde。这部小说中的反面角色是一个双重人格者,既有好的一面,又有坏的一面。

13.hat trick三连胜

eg。 The Democratic Party has achieved a hat trick in the election。民主党在选举中已经取得了三连胜。

14.blow hot and cold朝三暮四

eg。 Why do you blow hot and cold about joining the basketball team?你为什么总是反反复复的,不能决定是否参加篮球队?

15.mum's the word三缄其口

eg。 Mum's the word on the result of the election for now。现在对选举结果只能守口如瓶。

16.Look before you leap。三思而后行。

17.talk through one's hat胡说八道

eg。 When he said Joe is not denpendable, he was talking through his hat。他说乔不可靠,完全是在胡说八道。

18.yellow press八卦新闻(哗众取宠或耸人听闻的报道)

eg。 Such a rumor can be only found in the yellow press。这样的谣言只有在八挂新闻中才有。

19.a baker's dozen十三

eg。 There are a baker's dozen of eggs in the basket。篮子里有十三个鸡蛋。

20.pull out all the stops千方百计

eg。 The crew pulled out all the stops to find the missing passengers。机组人员千方百计寻找失踪的乘客。