
第10章 第一册(10)

"Well,"said Fred, "teacher tells us that even the tongue is meant to help the cat in her flesh- eating. It is not smooth, like our tongue. It is set with small, sharp, horny points which stretch back- wards. The cat uses her rough tongue to strip the flesh from the bones."SUMMARY

The cat is made to kill and eat other animals. It has a wide mouth, with four great pointed teeth for seizing its prey. All the teeth have sharp, jagged points fit for cutting through ?esh. None of them are made for chewing. The jaw moves only and down. The tongue is rough. The cat"s eyes have a curtain in front. The curtain opens wide when it is getting dark, so that the cat can see well when other animals cannot see at all. In the daytime the curtain closes, and the pupil of the eye is only a narrow slit.

Lesson 06

More about the Cat

The next evening, as soon as they sat down, Fred began by asking Norah to tell all she could about the cat.

"All we have seen," said he, "shows us that the cat was made to kill other living things and feed on their flesh. Even the cat"s eyes are meant to help her to catch her prey in the dark.