
第112章 第二册(29)

"Now we know," Fred went on, "that the grass and the corn plants both have tall hollow stems with joints in them, and long, narrow, pointed leaves. Each corn plant sends up five or six stems.

"This grass, you see, has some small green flowers at the top of the stem. When the flowers die off, they leave the seeds behind in a long ear.

"The corn-grasses have green flowers too, and after the flowers, long ears full of seeds or grains. Here is an ear of wheat. If we pull the ear to pieces, we shall find a great many grains of corn. Each grain is held in a sort of shell of thin, light, but strong skin. This we call the husk. The husk protects thegrain from the sun and rain, till it is fully grown and ripe."SUMMARY

The corn that grows in the cornfields is a grass. It has a hollow, jointed stem, and long, narrow leaves. The corn grains grow in long ears at the top of the stem.

Lesson 14

Kinds of Corn