
第12章 第一册(12)

"We don"t see them now; she keeps them drawn up in a sheath. She only stretches them out when she is angry.""It is these sharp claws, I suppose," said Norah, "that help to seize the mouse, when she springs upon it."SUMMARY

The cat"s whiskers help it to feel its way when it is too dark to see. The cat walks on its toes, and the toes are padded, sothat they do not make any sound as they tread. There are five toes on the front paws and four on the hind ones. Each toe has a strong, sharp claw for seizing the prey. The cat keeps its claws drawn up in a sheath, except when it is angry.

Lesson 07

Hard and Soft Bodies

"We had a lesson today," said Fred, "about solid bodies-some hard and some soft. Teacher showed us that we can call a body hard or soft only when we set it side by side with some other body.