
第151章 第二册(68)

"If you look at the toes you will see that they are strong, and that each toe has a thick blunt claw. If we put Bunny out in the garden it would soon begin to scratch up the ground with its claws."SUMMARY

The rabbit has two large chisel teeth, in front of each jaw, for gnawing. Its upper lip is cleft. It has large grinding teeth at the back of the jaws. The jaw moves from side to side, as well as up and down. It is a timid animal; its eyes are at the side of the head; its ears are very sharp. Its front legs are short; and its toes and claws are strong.

Lesson 31


"Look, Norah," said Fred, "here is mother"s copper coal scuttle. Suppose we have a talk about copper. What is the first thing you notice about it?""Its colour is bright red, and it has a shining surface," said Norah.

"Quite right," said Fred. "Remember that copper is the only red metal, and that it has a bright lustre. "Now look at the scuttle again," he added. "You will see that it is made of thin sheet copper. Howwas this made?"

"It was beaten out, or rolled out," said Norah. "What does that tell us?" asked Fred.

"It tells us that copper is malleable."

"It is," said Fred, "one of the most malleable of all the metals.